<sc test123 Private
0 users - <script>alert(1);</script>
126 users - Discussions on weapons of all types including Firearms, AFVs, Warplanes, Warships, International relations related to war or defense and anything else falling under this description.
TCP TheCommunistPartyofChina Closed
0 users - we are a collective dedicated to stomping out lies, slander, and anti-asian sentiment about the glorious Communist party of China by force. 习主席万岁!
A Antidegenerecy
82 users - Discussion about identifying and fighting degeneracy
M Music
57 users - Post Music
WN WhiteNationalism
61 users - White people deserve their own homeland and to stay majorities in their own countries
M Mountaineering
36 users - Mountain climbing, rock climbing, hiking, trekking, and wilderness skills
A AskArete
157 users - Explore other people's opinions
AB AccidentallyBased
37 users - Post people saying things which are unintentionally based.
CA CringeAnarchy
76 users - Post Funny Shit
N Niggers
14 users - Niggers
JCM JewMedia
36 users - What Jews did and still do with the monopoly on the media
DS DoingSomething
31 users - Tired of nothing but memes and shitposts?
CPP ConProPremium
5 users - Consoom good vibes only
S surfing
1 users - Surfing
64 users - Arete's very own accelerationist forum
18 users - board for appreciators of aquariums, fishing, and fish in general.
P Psychology
20 users - A social sciences board
132 users - Our greatest strength
W Wojak
77 users - Forum for posting Wojaks
H Homeschooling
25 users - Resources for homeschooling.
5 users -
tes test Closed
0 users -
PCM PoliticalCompassMemes
90 users - funny colors
A ProduceProduct
57 users - Post builds, guides, projects or questions and answers to such. We will build a based community in the ashes of the kike system.
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