177 users - A board for discussing Christ and Christianity.
C Conspiracies
98 users - For conspiricy theories
G general
129 users -
E Environment Closed Delisted
2 users -
14 users - IP2
WIG wiggercide Closed Delisted
2 users - Ridding the earth of the white boy menance
PS PipeSmoking Private Delisted
2 users - Relax and discuss pipe smoking, pipe tobaccos and collections.
PUF paranormal
14 users - A board for general discussion of paranormal/UFO phenomena
M Monarchy
17 users - A place for discussions about monarchism
SH SpergHole
3 users - SpergHole
S Sociology
25 users - A social sciences board
H Help
44 users - Ask questions about how Arete Network works here
PR Physical_Removal
82 users - Seasteading Commies Via Helicopter
PM PoliticalMemes Closed Delisted
2 users -
T Health
111 users - Reject the coof, embrace strong immune system.
33 users - Shitposting related to the National Socialist worldview
44 users - for big chungus (funny)
A Antiwork Closed Delisted
2 users -
6 users -
MH MemoryHole
86 users -
C Collectards
74 users - Making fun of people who spend too much money on things they don't need.
T trans Closed Delisted
16 users - A board for discussion of transsexuality and LGBT topics
AP PoetryForAryans
22 users - Quality poetry from White men, both historical and still living
<sc test123 Private
0 users - <script>alert(1);</script>
126 users - Discussions on weapons of all types including Firearms, AFVs, Warplanes, Warships, International relations related to war or defense and anything else falling under this description.
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