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7 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Is ivermectin really a genocidal tool of the globalists? - TESS LAWRIE, MBBCH, PHD​ AUG 19, 2024
This is an interesting piece from Dr Tess Lawrie. I don’t disagree with quite a bit of what she said. But we’ve exchanged messages on some areas where I am unable to get a response, which isn’t opinion but evidence based & which matter fundamentally.
1. There’s been no pandemic. Nor is “covid19” a new & defined illness. WHO are not fortune tellers. There must have been increases in all causes mortality especially in the frail elderly PRIOR to WHO calling a pandemic. That did not happen, anywhere. Professor Denis Rancourt (a qualified epidemiologist among other things) & team have published many reports showing the absence of evidence of a pandemic. I agree that early treatment for all illnesses should be considered. I’m absolutely not against this principle. The objection I have is to the specific phrase “early treatment for covid19”, because the evidence is that it’s a deliberate misattribution to a non existent, claimed-to-be viral illnesses that existed before 2020 (See note at end about viruses).
2. Ivermectin may well have uses as Tess outlines in parasitic infestations. It’s derived from a natural product that’s extremely toxic to insects. It appears not acutely toxic to humans. We’re not seeing this part differently. However, there’s an extensive body of evidence in multiple species (mice, rats and rabbits at least) all showing adverse effects in reproduction. It’s not a case of “insufficient evidence to condemn it”. I am in the camp that I need to be sure I’m not harming people. We lack definitive evidence of safety in this regard and there’s much troubling information.
The rule of thumb (which is underscored by conserved biological mechanisms at play) is that a drug that shows similar toxicity in two or more species is considered likely to do the same in humans. I assure you, that’s the basic assumption that all regulators would have, if they hadn’t gone rogue in recent years.
The point about dose levels. Almost all toxicity testing is done at multiples of the anticipated human blood levels. If a drug isn’t safe at 10x or 30x human levels, you are unlikely to get a pass from regulators. Why? Because some people will achieve higher blood levels than the average. And some of those will be more sensitive to potential adverse effects. This isn’t hard. There’s clearly a risk. Why take that risk? Western populations aren’t suffering parasitic infestations. You’re left with a claim for benefit in a disease that doesn’t exist. If it exists, it failed to raise all cause mortality despite allegedly spreading through a population replete with frail, elderly people.
It cannot be ignored that there is another potential cause for harms to fertility. Like many drugs, ivermectin is cleared (removed / eliminated / excreted / detoxified) from the body by various biochemical processes. One is called “pgp”. It turns out that several highly promoted supplements interact with pgp in such a way as to block the ability of your body to clear ivermectin. It would not be surprising if some people taking ivermectin were also taking some of these supplements (which are also unnecessary).
Readers may judge if a public debate it needed. Obviously I don’t think it is. I’ve laid out the basis upon which I advise people not to use ivermectin for alleged covid19 especially if you’re also taking supplements.
We are at war. Tess and I agree that globalist “elites” are encroaching on our freedoms with a view to digital, totalitarian control and both of us believe there’s already sufficient evidence that an objective from this is their intention to murder a large proportion of us.
I have famously analysed the claimed composition of the not-vaccines, which are gene-based injections. Specifically, I’ve shown that there are multiple, independent, unnecessary and (to me) obvious mechanisms of harm in humans. They’re designed intentionally to injure, kill and reduce fertility in survivors. I wasn’t wrong about this (how I wish fervently that I was).
Ultimate Guide To Anti-Fertility Ivermectin Genocide: 14 Studies Showing It Wrecks Fertility
Tim Truth: Ivermectin Is A Hideous DEPOPULATION POISON; Many Studies Expose Its Anti-Fertility - Tim Truth [57.26]
Tim Truth: Ivermectin Is A Hideous DEPOPULATION POISON; Many Studies Expose Its Anti-Fertility Effects - JUST THINK HOW THE ALTERNATIVE MEDIA WAS PUSHED THIS POISON? - HOW MANY OF US WERE DECEIVED? - HOW MANY OF US ACTUALLY TOOK IT? - Yeah, Over The Counter Purchase is Africa... *** 1,648 views August 20th, 2024 Tim Truth - All these studies are linked in full here: - Interested in learning more about ivermectin harms? The Deadly Toll of Ivermectin: Blindness, Comas & Deaths Induced By The Neurotoxic, Genotoxic Poison: "CLASTOGENIC" - 18 Studies Highlighting Ivermectin Induced DNA Breakage, Damage & Related Disorders: Ivermectin, WHO, UN, Merck, The World Bank & Kissinger's World Population Plan Of Action: Pig Study Raises MAJOR Questions Of Dangers Of Combining Quercetin & Ivermectin: 2 Concerning Studies: CBD & THC Enact Potent P-Glycoprotein Inhibiting Effects, Raising Very Concerning Questions About Heightened Ivermectin Toxicity For Marijuana Users: Studies Find Quercetin & Natto K2 INHIBIT P-Glycoprotein; Will This Increase Ivermectin Toxicity Susceptibility?! P-glycoprotein Deficiency (Genetic Or Drug Induced) & Increased Ivermectin Toxicity: - FAIR USE FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES - Mirrored From:
7 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
The Key To The Carnage: Ivermectin's Anti-Fertility Effects Are Just The Beginning Of Its Dangers - Tim Truth [43.00]
Here are a few articles to get you started in your search for ivermectin truth:
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