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Sign up <--this is "waingros" under a post of mine. After DMing me to "stop bullying him" - Forgot to log back into his proper account. I've never had any interaction with "waingros" before. And I'm pretty certain the account didn't exist 5 minutes prior.
Mod logs ought to paint a very interesting picture. <-- That comment now? "account deactivated by owner"... <-- "sToP buLlYinG uS"

WankGro is creating fake accounts, pretend interacting with himself, upvoting his own pretend interactions then deleting everything when he realises it's incriminating evidence. <-- always accuse others of that which YOU are guilty of.
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deleted 2 years ago 5 points (+5 / -0 ) 3 children
2 years ago 0 points (+1 / -1 ) 1 child
It really is, but it also shows how trashy this site is if you stop to consider what this means.
I sent a PM to Elvis to bring it to his attention, he has yet to respond about it. Maybe he doesn’t care, I can’t speak for him though.
I guess forum sliding and vote manipulation are A-OK on this website. The same behavior is allowed on poal and look at how shit that website is now.
Remember that this jew has so much free time to do this all day because it’s either his actual job, or because he doesn’t have to work thanks to productive White people paying for his welfare. Either way this website is fucked and not worth the effort to save.
There are many other free speech sites that don’t allow this level of obvious manipulation.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 2 children
Hey, this may be a bit late but I'll try to address this situation anyway. Please contact this account next time if you want to reach out. I pretty much exclusively use @admin over @Elvis.
Yes, I've seen the manipulation. How do you know this is truly the real WainGro and not someone else impersonating him? @WainGro is claiming exactly the opposite and I don't have any context to go off of.
I assume the older account @Heron is fake as well. Right?
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 2 children
The only account I have is this account, Her0n.
I’m honestly disenchanted with the site because of waingro and his behavior.
I reported the bullshit and death threats he’s been sending to me in PMs, I have to go through his comments and such to do the same.
This all started simply because I downvoted all his spam posts after I noticed the vote manipulation. He sent me a pm in all caps demanding to know why I downvoted him and I privately called him out on it. Then he started chain banning me from each sub he moderated while deleting all his alt accounts and making new ones to harass me more. I then exposed him publicly and then the death threats and shitposting drama happened.
I guess all I can say is watch me like a hawk and watch my behavior while comparing it to his? See how his posts do compared to mine? I know that’s kind of a waste of time, but his posts would always have three upvotes instantly each time on all three subs. His alts are all really conspicuous as well “man this waingro guy is great, why do you harass him Her0n?” only to have that account deleted as soon as I exposed him publicly?
I honestly don’t have time for this bullshit, I have a child to raise and a homestead to run.
I could say that you can try banning one of us and watching the others behavior, see if the suspicious behavior keeps happening. Or look into the history of both the Her0n account and the Waingro account, see which seems more suspicious to you.
deleted 2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Account deactivated by its owner
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) Edited 2022-04-05 14:09:59 2 children
Until he exposes himself again on his new accounts.
Keep your cards close to your chest.
deleted 2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
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deleted 1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
2 years ago -1 points (+2 / -3 ) 2 children
of course it is, faggot. This is the most cucked place ever. Kike mods right from the word go.
deleted 2 years ago 5 points (+5 / -0 )
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
What did @Glowninja say? Yes, it's pretty obvious who was responsible for the impersonaton accounts and multiple votes.
deleted 2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
deleted 2 years ago -2 points (+0 / -2 ) 1 child
deleted 2 years ago -1 points (+0 / -1 )
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deleted 2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) Edited 2022-04-04 01:45:57
deleted 2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
deleted 2 years ago 1 point (+2 / -1 )
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