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The rules are as follows:
1. Unless otherwise stated, -ALL- RULES ARE PUNISHABLE BY IRREVERSIBLE PERMABAN, with no appeals allowed. (The ONLY exception is for bans clearly made in error.) Seriously, behave and follow the rules- It's not that hard. Unless you are found to be a jew, we really DON'T want to ban you if we don't have to, so don't make us.
2. NO jews, crypto-jews, shabbos goys (jewish puppets) or golems (jewish attack dogs) allowed. We do not like you, we do not appreciate you and we seek to expose you cretins for who and what you really are.
3. NO pro-jew posts, comments or content. This goes against the entire purpose of The Noticing movement.
4. This is **NOT** a "free speech" community. We prefer pro-White speech over jewish and non-White speech.
5. ABSOLUTELY -NO- infighting or friendly-fire allowed. We are not here to tear each other down. Focus your firepower solely and STRICTLY on the jews and their ilk. Iron does not sharpen iron, whetstone does. Hone each other and raise each other up instead of tearing each other down. We really do not appreciate or tolerate this.
6. NO DOXXING. ZERO tolerance for this.
7. No glowniggers and no fedposting. Goes without saying. The alphabet agencies are really (((alphabet agencies))).
8. NO MORE BROTHER WARS. Do not insult each others' countries. Again, we are not here to tear each other down and firepower should be focused mainly on the jews. Feel free to shit on Pissrael all you like, since it is the false "homeland" of our most hated, subversive and nefarious (((enemy))).
9. No off-topic posting. All posts and comments must be strictly related to noticing and solving the jewish problem.
10. ABSOLUTELY -NO- dooming, demoralization or blackpilling. Doesn't matter whether you're "right" or not. Things don't happen overnight.
11. NO DEGENERACY. We define degeneracy as immoral, disgusting and reprehensible behavior- Essentially jewish behavior. This includes behavior designed to further disintegrate society, people and their nations.
12. No "technical loopholing". In other words, no trying to get or dance around the rules using loopholes or technicalities. This will not be tolerated. We do not need or require input on the rules.
13. If you come here, make sure you do so in good faith.
14. No shilling or spamming.
15. No callout threads or callout comments and no backseat moderating. If you suspect someone to be a jew, shill and etc., then just HIT THE REPORT BUTTON AND MOVE ON- We will take care of them OURSELVES. If you absolutely have to make your case about it, then please do it via modmail or private message one of the moderators about it. We will then examine the issue and react accordingly if we haven't already caught it ourselves.
16. Memes are allowed, but ensure it relates to the noticing and even better if they contain actual, objective facts in them.
18. NO BRIGADING OR RAIDING. This goes BOTH ways. (I.E. no brigading here and don't brigade other communities. Same with raiding.)
19. Follow the terms of service and site-wide content policy.
20. We reserve the right to gatekeep if necessary, in order to keep the community clean, harmonious and less chaotic.
Site-wide Content Policy:
Read rule 1 again if you were banned and/or thought we were kidding.
Public Mod Logs:
Over time, this list of rules will become much shorter and less serious as the community becomes more cohesive and behaves.
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