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posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+5 / -0 )
###Here is the translation.
"" The speeches
with which I was welcomed have deeply
moved me. One cannot judge my visit by the
same measure as fits the usual political and
diplomatic visits. The fact that I have come
to Germany today does not mean that I will
be welcomed (in the same way) elsewhere
tomorrow. (* applause *) National Socialists
and Fascists want peace and will also be
ready to work for peace, for a real and fruitful
peace that does not raise questions of how
the peoples (of the world) can live together,
via stunned silence, but one that actually
solves these questions. If the entire world
asks itself what the result of this meeting in
Berlin will be, either war or peace, then we can
answer, both the Fuhrer and I, in a loud voice:
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