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1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) Edited 2022-05-22 00:02:53 1 child
Part four:
Part Four of my ethos and advocacy for a National Socialist Future. I've covered the Sins of the Present, Addressed the Cure, and defined ourselves as National Socialists so that even a simple layman can understand it briefly and concisely. Now, however it's time to address the present, what we're doing here and now. (I'll be using organizations real names to avoid confusion)
At present the movement (National Socialism) is strong on Gab, Facebook, Twitter, 4chan, 8kun, Kiwi Forums, Encyclopedia Dramatic, IRC, YouTube, Odyssey, Rumble, Deviant Art, Concept Art, Ticktock and too many other affiliates and popular brands to mention. In short, our online presence is astounding. Despite even hostile platforms we stand head and shoulders above our competition and gain even grudging respect from our so called enemies and political rivals. This is an excellent state of affairs and I for one only wish to see it grow from here on out.
Conversely our real life representation is plagued by false representation. Soft and weak positions. Grifters, and other Judas Goats leading our people astray or into less effective political action then what they could otherwise be achieving. I'm happy to note we're past the stealth marketing phase and have moved into more public displays of system defiance, protests, and even open massed marches in Europe and isolated US areas. My point here is we can be doing better in the street front. As we grow our men we need ways to identify and coordinate better. Typically a few wink and a nod political querying can get the job done, but it would be better to have an even more assured way of finding one another if the need arises. Obviously the issue of Glow Niggers (federal informants and officers), but they can generally be parsed out through simple probing. For this reason I propose an animal by which to embody the movement, and that is my own personal signature. The Cat! Ever watching, stealthy, combative, but cunning. The feline embodies the modern National Socialist movement to a "T." Keep in mind the Eye of the Cat. The Face of the Cat. The Five Claws of the Cat. The tail of the Cat. All will be good hallmarks. The Fang of the Cat. And, the Ears of the Cat. All can be impromptu badges an adaptable imagery that means you've found a fellow National Socialist brother on the hunt in his territory. I do caution not to get silly or ridiculous with it, though.
From now on I will be carrying out a daily mission briefing and assignment. Both will be entailing an aspect of motivational propaganda for the cause. An effort on your part to build up a new fren for the cause. And, a direct action to further the cause. We will slay the beast with our growth and power. We will prevail in the face of the impossible. Of this I personally swear on my life!
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) Edited 2022-05-22 00:04:52
Part Five:
Part Five of my National Socialist agenda. Time marches on and with it our unity and effort in restoring White Lands and White National Representation. Our enemies have done us many favors and wrongs as of late. Often hard to tell apart as the injury while grievous also furthers our cause. Unlawful imprisonment, poison, misuse and abuse of authority, and deteriorating economic realities. All validating our philosophy and message.
We are still not yet strong enough to fully counteract each one of these things, but we can begin to address some of the most serious issues. First, our Governments are false representation and Jewish controlled. That has been established beyond all reasonable doubt for the US, Canada, Australia, and Western Europe. It is time to denounce these system for what they are. Military occupation. And, as a result we must declare ourselves legally separated from them. Only recognizing their ability to deliver violence in an organized fashion. We ourselves are now Nationals without a land. White Nationalists members of a Nation Without borders. All Whites in the world fighting for, working towards, and bettering our collective goals of securing our races happiness and future. With the ultimate ambition of restoring self governance in our own native lands. We are a National Socialist Multi Country front. An International Force representing the White Race!
Now, pretty words and bold declarations mean little without strength to accompany that. And, we will bringing that together in the coming days. Support networks. Financial and medical networks. Housing and organization residency efforts. Occupancy of Office and Business enterprises to further secure our people's well being. White Patrols and White Law for where Jewish subversion has removed state protections. And, White enforcers for where Jewish Law has become predatory against our people. All of these projects we will be creating and organizing on here. All while growing our numbers. All while growing our power. And, all while eventually restoring our lands to our rightful rule.
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