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People who enter our world view often gravitate toward the softer, easier names and approaches.
Naturally conservative, movements of this sort's only revolution is a dream far down the road somewhere. This mindset makes it impossible for them to work together, no one seems to know what the goal really is, Charlottesville the result.
When the "fun" stops, the "thrill" wares off, the self-gratification halts, they split.
With absolute commitment to revolution, it becomes easy to sublimate the personal feelings and weaknesses which destroy efforts. The most incompatible of personalities can work together effectively for revolution, if nothing else.
The most limited individual can understand the sacred drive to smash the system. Everyone can find his or her proper place in the war against the establishment. The Communists have proven this repeatedly.
Instead of the current hindrance, high ideals must be the end.
The means are whatever may be necessary.
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