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Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: Great discussions. Hobbies continues to be a liked theme and one that we will see again.
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Consume Product?](
This is our second meta weekly on Consume Product. First, let’s have a short history of ConPro. We started on Reddit in September of 2019. We quickly grew into a moderately sized community unified under one meme “Don't Ask Questions, Just Consume Product and Then Get Excited for Next Products”. That was a good time for us consumers many memes and great shitposts. During this time, we formed the ConPro identity of screw consumerism, fuck globohomo, let’s go self-improvement and nature! We expressed this through heavy satierism and post irony. That still is true of ConPro today. Mods did follow le Reddit's rules the best they could and so did ConPro as a whole. But who could have guessed that angry discord trannies endlessly complaining and plotting would ultimately get 2000 subreddits banned in June 2020 including ours and theDonald? That’s clown world for you honk honk!
Thankfully your mods happened to be in contact with theDonald mods in anticipation of the ban wave. And but for the grace of God, they allowed us to be the FIRST of many communities to come over to .Win (now Scored) showing great character when it comes to free speech. So ConPro continued fractured between Ruqqus, Reddit derivatives, and here. As time went on, we outlasted them all leaving us the one and only true ConPro we have today. Some mods and users came over, some faded away, and some new mods and users joined. We have experienced the .Win brand changing to Scored, spambot plagues, and now new minor detractors and major subverters. We even have a new promising home (as a just in case) thanks to u/Elvis_Interstellar. Same shit different day it seems.
As you can see ConPro has been around for about 2 and a half years and has gone through a lot. It’s amazing considering the goldfish memory and attention span of the internet that ConPro even exists at all today.
**TL;DRL:** There is something special about ConPro and its users. What is it? What makes us better than most? Why does our motto and brand™ resonate with so many? This is the focus of our meta discussion for this weekly.
Discussion ideas:
* Why do you continue to use Consume Product? What’s good about it?
* Have you noticed any change in the Consume Product community? What has gotten better, what has gotten worse in your opinion?
* What would you like to see in the future of ConPro? Why are you not being the change you want to see yet?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (03-06)](◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion](
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 81](
* [Weekly 80](
* [Weekly 79](
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3 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
I'm going to start running our weekly threads here in parallel.
deleted 3 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
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