1 year ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)2 children
I am pretty sure that's insurgent circumventing his ban via mirroring through Arete. But now that you mention it, I'm curious if it's possible to ping usernames across the mirror. I'm going to try it.
Let me know if this pings you on communities.win - it might only ping your username on Arete. I only got the notification from mine because I directly replied to myself.
Stop being stupid and you’ll start understanding what I say. Can’t be *that* hard, right? Holy shit, grow some balls and prove me wrong if I’m wrong, then. Dumbass coward can’t even refute any of my “prattle,” never mind disprove my primary point.
deleted1 year ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)
Account purged by its owner
TallestSkil on scored.co
1 year ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)2 children
How about you actually read what I’ve written rather than invent bullshit no one said, okay chief? How many times do you have to be told this? It’s like you’re a literal nigger or something. Are you genuinely illiterate?
1 year ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
Never stop fighting to get the 4chan domain banned here. I’m also tired of the endless (purposeful) spam of zero effort image links from a broken website.
1 year ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)2 children
>don’t like
No one said this.
>you’re a hypocrite because you don’t want broken websites linked here
How about you *don’t* spam the website dozens of times a day just to spite someone ***you*** don’t like, hmm? ***We fucking get it already. You don’t like the post format he uses. Many others don’t either. Spamming won’t do anything but get YOU banned, too.***
>too afraid to ping me]
Prove it, subhuman.
pinging myself first
Let me know if this pings you on communities.win - it might only ping your username on Arete. I only got the notification from mine because I directly replied to myself.
Learn what demoralization is, coward.
>ad hom
Defending paid shills now, are you?
>word salads
Stop being stupid and you’ll start understanding what I say. Can’t be *that* hard, right? Holy shit, grow some balls and prove me wrong if I’m wrong, then. Dumbass coward can’t even refute any of my “prattle,” never mind disprove my primary point.