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posted 1 year ago by Elvis_Interstellar on (+0 / -0 / +372Score on mirror )
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JosephGoebbels5 on
1 year ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
> I am not whatever admin did anything in there. I can see rules in nnn.

Except you're ignoring the fact that u/TallestSkil pointed out there **were no rules at the time** therefore it reverts to sitewide rules.

> I don't know the date of this so called nuking. I will tell you I have no sympathy towards anyone while users brigade thedonald.

Define brigade, is that to flood posts with the actual truth rather than a biased political agenda? You're saying people aren't allowed to disagree which is the complete opposite of what America used to stand for.

> I am here being respectful and have always been respectful towards anyone here.

Literally 2 posts earlier:

> -f-b-i- -1 points 23 hours ago Rules of communities are not rules of scored. Rules of scored are in the content policy. Rules of communities are on sidebars. **Sorry I didn't know you were retarded but I'll try to use smaller and more precise words in the future**.

Only a weak argument resorts to ad hominem like that.

> I understand what it's like to be banned from everywhere on the internet. I'm not a troll, I'm not a dick.

Then why do you embrace it by following the same pattern? And who are you trying to convince?

> I do think there is a global elite controlling the world. Where are differences exist are in that I support Trump to do more than Biden or anyone else to get things accomplished and I will do what I can to assist in that. So while I do that I have to also waste time fighting against others who have no clear direction or think I'm some sort of Jew ass fuck. Tbh the fact that every topic that users from here come to thedonald with is Jews forces more censorship. Your tactics are the root of problems.

Hmm, I wonder why this would be.... If people keep saying it, and you keep censoring it, then jee whiz you'd think there might be some agenda at play. Trump is owned by jews, this is a fact. He does not represent America, never has. He was a democrat his entire life and even his dad bragged about donating to jewish causes.

His kids are all married to jews. Ivanka is a Hebrew name. He prays at the satanic wailing wall just like literally 100% of his alleged opponents. To deny this is to deny truth. To censor it is to be antagonistic to the American Constitution.

> Having a goal isn't equal to ignoring some plights of others.

Exactly what goal is that, what did he do with his 4 years? Was Hillary locked up? Did he make America great again by flooding in more shitskin migrants? Did he strengthen our economy by giving BILLIONS of our dollars to Israel?

> Anyway it's unlikely you'll understand or empathize with me, and even more unlikely that anyone will change their ways towards me or thedonald but I'll leave that as my last message and attempt to refrain from further comments in this community. I do appreciate Elvis for allowing me to attempt to share my thoughts.

This is hilarious, it's like your "I win before I can lose" speech, so you quit before getting scored on again. No one will empathize with you because you do not stand for truth, you stand for lies and censorship to protect those lies. The truth fears no investigation.

Furthermore you come right out and admit you appreciate Elvis for not censoring your opinion **AS YOU JUST ADMITTED TO DOING AND DEFEND IT**.

This is why we shit on you. You are a lying hypocrite. This is why you get called a jew.
TallestSkil on
1 year ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
> Except you're ignoring the fact that u/TallestSkil pointed out there were no rules at the time therefore it reverts to sitewide rules.

I can’t find NNN’s mod log (maybe they’ve hidden it on purpose). If I can find that, I can pinpoint the date that I was banned and then go to the Wayback Machine to show snapshots from before that date have no board-specific rules…
JosephGoebbels5 on
1 year ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
u/SystemGay can you assist?
SystemGay on
1 year ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
u/TallestSkil, can you copy the timestamps from your saved posts? Are we looking for changes to the sidebar at that specific time frame?
TallestSkil on
1 year ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 2 children
Oh geez, uh… I don’t know if I saved the conversation that got me banned. Sorry.

It has been fucking forever, but it might have been a conversation about the exclusively jewish responsibility for gun control. I posted direct citations to both jewish individuals in government and otherwise, as well as jewish NGOs patting themselves on the back for getting guns taken away, and whoever it was I replied to just kept saying “no it didn’t happen” or something without even *pretending* to have an argument. Then all my posts in that thread disappeared and then only later did the rest of my posts disappear.

Honestly, I couldn’t even tell you if it was 2 years or 3 ago. I’m not even sure it was that conversation. As much as I want all sophists dead, I’m forced to live as they do—moment by moment—because I can’t truly remember a fucking thing.
SystemGay on
1 year ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
This is not much, but according to your description, it most likely happened on 2021-10-21.


2021-10-31T21:42 C Perun\
2021-10-24T10:33 C\
2021-10-21T22:57 C Perun\
2021-10-21T13:38 C\
SystemGay on
1 year ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
>2022-01-31T21:52 No rules.\
2022-02-18T19:45 Rules added.

The rules were added around 2022-02-18T19:45.
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