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posted 1 year ago by Elvis_Interstellar on (+0 / -0 / +372Score on mirror )
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-f-b-i- on
1 year ago -16 points (+0 / -0 / -16Score on mirror ) 7 children
Yes mods over there must be Jews because they don't want every conversation over there to be Jews, tell me more about how they touched you. Don't like it don't go there.
Bolshevik_Hunter on
1 year ago 12 points (+0 / -0 / +12Score on mirror ) 2 children
"Jew noticing" is increasing across the entire internet. Doing a hard crack down on it on PDW isn't going to make it go away. I personally don't blame you for taking it down as it isn't exactly a good look for a moderate board. However, the issue is for you is that it is already there and trying to cover it up is just going to provoke a response from your userbase. People aren't going to just go away when you ban them. A lot of the people you are banning and censoring are your regular users who don't even know what consume product is.
Doggos on
1 year ago -6 points (+0 / -0 / -6Score on mirror ) 4 children
> "Jew noticing" is increasing across the entire internet.


> Doing a hard crack down on it on PDW isn't going to make it go away.

Literally don't care. It will be less prominent on Patriots, and that's the point.

> I personally don't blame you for taking it down as it isn't exactly a good look for a moderate board.

Not only is it not a good look, it's unviable for a pro-Trump site to survive and thrive while allowing itself to be manipulated and abused by any dedicated faction of users. In this case, it's Jew posters.

> A lot of the people you are banning and censoring are your regular users who don't even know what consume product is.

This isn't true. We're being selective and careful about eliminating only inauthentic or single issue users.

The vast majority of bans are happening to users whose accounts are days old, and have been banned 100 times before, and will be banned 100 times more.

We are filtering some words, but they are being flagged for review, rather than being removed as a final action.
Fabius on
1 year ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror )
Yes, shut down the truth because the truth isn't "a good look."

What a cucked site the donald eventually became. I know because I was there in July 2015. What a shame. You were supposed to be better than this.

You stand for nothing but the GDP, and if that's all that matters to you, we have no country. You should be ashamed. You allow gay bashing, "jogger" bashing, muslim bashing, but if ANYONE notices the Jew controls it all, you ban them. They don't even use slurs. Literally just pointing out the truth.

What conclusion are we supposed to come to other that you're in league with them?

All this has proven is that at the donald there are some truths which can't be spoken. That's enough for me to dismiss the place. You're no better than the left, you just play for a different team.

MagaMaga2024 on
1 year ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Fuck you asshole.

I helped you build this site from scratch. I had over a million karma. I was here from day one and you know I’m not a inauthentic user or someone who posts about “Jews”

You banned me because I was right about Desantis. I made you look like an idiot for being ahead of the curve while you let DeSimp shills all but destroy the unity of The Donald.

That is the one and only reason.
Bolshevik_Hunter on
1 year ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
>The vast majority of bans are happening to users who's accounts are days old, and have been banned 100 times before, and will be banned 100 times more.


I'd be willing to bet that most are people you are banning over and over are trapped in a cycle of having been banned, being mad, knowing of nowhere else to talk online because of their abrasive personality and getting banned again.

The mods over there will pretty much autoban any handshakes out of terror for your incorrectly perceived conpro brigade boogyman. To the point that you've filtered the word "Jew." No, we aren't brigading you. Users from here go over there because it's free speech enough for the entire right to feel vaguely comfortable. It's not a conceded effort on our part. People from here go there, get banned then come back and laugh about it. A lot of people here came from there. I was one of the first 15000 subs, back in the days of the JCM.

The spergs who mention you and call you a JDIF kike and whatnot are your regulars who are pissed because you keep banning them. They aren't part of some ridiculous plot to undermine the election or whatever other theories yall are floating around.
What do you have to say about the obvious actual brigade of leftists that you host over there? Are you just going to keep ignoring it? Why do the same names pop up together and suck each other off in the comments while promoting homosexuality and push communism apologetics? And why is it that anybody who responds to these people get 3-4 downvotes on an entire page of history? You remember the tranny posts that were artificially upvoted, although I'm sure it doesn't worry you since it probably came from you.

But I really, really don't care either way. Do you.
Doggos on
1 year ago -5 points (+0 / -0 / -5Score on mirror ) 4 children

That's just so incorrect based on all the data that we have.

These are users who are controlling many accounts at the same time, engaging in vote manipulation amongst their own accounts, and operating with the sole purpose of shitting on Jews - and not at all to take part in the Trump forum.

We also often invite handshakes to share with us the username of their original account when banning, or ask them to appeal on it. Nobody ever takes us up that offer.

Bolshevik_Hunter on
1 year ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
>These are users who are controlling many accounts at the same time, engaging in vote manipulation amongst their own accounts

How could you even know this if everything is anonymous or are you claiming that all these jew hating shill networks are operating off a single IP hash?
MagaMaga2024 on
1 year ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
> These are users who are controlling many accounts at the same time, engaging in vote manipulation amongst their own accounts, and operating with the sole purpose of shitting on Jews - and not at all to take part in the Trump forum.

Fuck. You. Asshole.

I have never operated more than one account. I only create new ones when you unfairly ban me for no reason at all.

I never engaged in vote manipulation once.

I never shit on the Jews once.

I am a regular the donald user exactly like this guy is describing who is just pissed off because you turned into a despicable Reddit moderator and banned me for no reason except not supporting your pro-Desantis agenda (which you only backtracked on within the past few months).
deleted 1 year ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
Fabius on
1 year ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
> and not at all to take part in the Trump forum.

What are the requirements to take part in a Trump forum other than not making your sole purpose shitting on Trump?

I have to love Jews too? The fuck is this shit?
deleted 1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
-f-b-i- on
1 year ago -9 points (+0 / -0 / -9Score on mirror ) 3 children
I understand and appreciate your response. I do have a goal to elect trump and I never want to ban authentic users but vote manipulation and other issues I have seen lead me to believe there are some inauthentic users that have recently been banned
JosephGoebbels5 on
1 year ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror ) 1 child
It's kind of hard to dodge the fact that Trump pledges allegiance to another country, so openly that he's proud to admit stealing our money and sending it there in just about every speech.

That is not an American patriot.
-f-b-i- on
1 year ago -4 points (+0 / -0 / -4Score on mirror ) 1 child
If that is your opinion then all the more reason to not visit. Complaining about being banned from a site that you don't support doesn't make sense to me.
JosephGoebbels5 on
1 year ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 1 child
I don't visit, and I wasn't complaining about being banned. But certain truths *are* banned which is not a good look. That isn't free thinking, that's dictatorship.
Fabius on
1 year ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
Your reasons for banning are all clear in the OP.

You want to elect Trump? Why?

I'm a single issue voter: The 1st Amendment. If I'm not free to speak my mind on a god damn Trump site, where can I exercise my free speech?

You've lost the plot over there and it shows. The site is a shadow of what it used to be, probably because you've banned everyone who is based. You've got a bunch of retards over there now in the comments and the creating the content. I used to check the donald several times a day, now I look over there a couple times a week just to see what the normies are talking about.

It's fucking sad man.
MagaMaga2024 on
1 year ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
Stfu bitch you know exactly who i am you know I’m not anninauthentic user I’ve discussed this with you hundreds of times and you still banned me because you’re a bitch ass Reddit moderator who couldn’t handle me being proven right about Desantis or having the nerve to criticize you while you shilled for him for YEARS
Fabius on
1 year ago 7 points (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror )
lol why would every conversation in what is essentially a "everything wrong with America" forum gravitate toward Jews?

You say, "Don't go there.", but what happened to "just downvote and move on?"

The problem is that these comments aren't downvoted, they're upvoted, and there is no argument against it.

Such a sad state /r/The_Donald has devolved into. It was the first redpill and now it's just a pressure valve to keep conservatives placated with two more weeks and we'll get em next time complacency.

You should be ashamed of yourself about what you've let what was the once the best site on the internet become. You've become a right wing reddit which is why the numbers are dropping and there is no real content over there. You've banned everyone with a brain who can actually see the truth.
RaceCreatesCulture on
1 year ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 1 child
If every conversation is about jews, then perhaps the conversation of jews needs to be had more. The more you suppress the truth, the more it tries to surface. Let's have the jewish conversation in its entirety. Then, maybe people will stop talking about jews.

I guess, it's okay to have the tranny conversation non-stop every day though, right? Because trannies matter, not the jewish billionaires that use their billions of dollars to extract wealth from society, push degenerate ideologies that harm the culture and destroy the very foundational values of the civilization. That's not important, right? Let's talk about trannies instead. LMAO.
Fabius on
1 year ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child

Low hanging fruit meant to distract.

Either u/doggos is an idiot and doesn't understand this or he's in on it.
HotDogIsBestMeat on
1 year ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
I hope someone cuts off doggos kike head and kicks into a skillet full of bacon
ApexVeritas on
1 year ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 1 child
You can't claim to be for free speech, the very idea of which is the ability to talk about things others don't want you to talk about, and then censor things you don't want people to talk about. You can't profess to be a political forum, accepting of the massive breadth of allowable discourse, and censor political talk you don't like. You can't make ambiguous rules, enforce them arbitrarily, and proclaim to be the good guys. You can't demonize Reddit's tyrannical and censorious practices, while repeating those same practices.

You're a hypocrite and a liar.

I was banned, by you, because I made a post pointing out how discussion of history, that goes against the mainstream telling of it, was being censored on your forum. Nowhere in my censored comments did I mention jews. You claimed I was a "stormfag", because I talked about historical realities that didn't demonize what the mainstream wants us to demonize, and repeat back verbatem, like some kind of programmed unthinking NPC. On no other historical topic does trying to discuss it honestly, results in painting the person or historian as somehow supporting the person or group that shows it in a better light. And yet, you hypocrites do it with WW2. You banned me merely because I pushed back against your censorship, arbitrarily enforced rules, hypocrisy, and abandonment of truth.

Truth is the truth, no matter where it lands, no matter who approves of it or not.

As evidenced by your own actions, both in intent and result, you're not a good person. You don't deserve a good life or any good within it, all of which is based upon truth, which you've positioned yourself in opposition to. Your practices and priorities match precisely with the people in power, who are liars. Their positions can't withstand open scrutiny either, which is why they must censor all dissent and disagreement. They are dying, and so too is your forum. People have been lied to their whole lives, and are starved for genuine honesty and truth. You deny it, and thus, people leave. You claim we're trolls and Nazis? We used to be regulars on that forum, with just as fervent beliefs as everyone else there.

You will, of course, deflect and hand wave away all criticism. We're only "Nazis" after all. Nothing we say can ever be true. You're the "good" person. Don't ever change, doubt, question, or self reflect. Deny your free will and humanity. I, for one, no longer care, what you say, what you believe, what you call us, or what doom awaits you. Each of us deserves the fruits of our own labors. Yours is poison.

It would be pitiable if it was just you, but it's not. You open a "free speech" forum, lie to your users, and dupe them into thinking what they're seeing is genuine, when it's carefully curated by you and the other liars. You don't trust your own users to be able to discern things on their own, to decide for themselves. How lowly you think of your own people.

By your own hands, you are damned.
HimmlerWasRight88 on
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 2 children
> You open a "free speech" forum

When did they ever say it's free speech?

Their second rule is to not be "racist", which shows how the forum is controlled opposition: they stay within the ideological framework that the Left has conceded them. Everyone who supported Trump in 2016 should know that accusations of "racism" was the number 1 weapon against Trump, and Trump won the elections by not falling for that trick. A supposedly Trump supporting forum with a *no racism* rule is there to keep users from becoming right wing, and not to win against the Left.

When Trump lost in 2020 after spending four years kissing the ass of niggers (*muh black unemployment rate!!!*), doing the Platinum Plan, and refusing to ever ever defend White people (e.g. when asked who CRT hurts at presidential debate, he refused to say "White people"), then lots of genuine users understood that civic nationalism does not work.

u/Doggos should know that the vast majority of people who hate the Jews in his forum are *former* genuine Trump supporters who had to face reality. They are not strangers, they are not subverters or infiltrators. They are genuine pedes who were forced to reckon that Trump was the last chance of civic nationalism, and it didn't work thanks to ungrateful niggers.

The proof of this is that every anti-Jew post gets a lot of upvotes, and a lot more upvotes than downvotes.
That's why mods like u/-f-b-i- are hated: because they impose their own personal political agenda on the community without letting the community decide for itself. How can you remove a comment that has been upvoted by dozens of people? You remove the popular content, which proves that you care about controlling the narrative and not about being a genuine community.
Elvis_Interstellar on
1 year ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
They remove the popular post or comment, while letting obvious shills in replies stay.

[Most recent example](
Fabius on
1 year ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
Based af comment. Everything is true.
Byzantine_Shill on
1 year ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 1 child
Conservatives are censored when they don't mention Jews at all.

Actual leftists infiltrated PDW and tried to claim that MAGA at its core is the acceptance of sodomy. If you're not a sodomite, you're not MAGA. Those same people wanted to get rid you. Its a bunch of nonsense but nothing was done and mods spent more time censoring conservatives.

Subversive actors also claimed to hacked the site and threatened conservatives. Nothing was done.

A sodomite degenerate tried to doxx conservative activists and used PDW to aid Antifa in the left's doxxing campaign. Not only was nothing done but mods stickied Antifa posts and the wrong guy was doxxed.

You can't claim something like this:

>they don't want every conversation over there to be Jews

When conservatives are censored and attacked on your forum over things not involving Jews. PDW protect users that say white people deserve to be killed and conservatives must accept sodomy but the mods care more about "muh Jews" than stopping leftist influence. **The fact that you choose to protect a foreign religion over Americans and censor your fellow countrymen while all of this happen makes you complicit in the sorry state of PDW.** You could have told the left "Don't like it, don't go there" but instead you said that to your own allies and fellow conservatives.
Fabius on
1 year ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
Muh stormfags.
BigMikesBigTampon on
1 year ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
please kill yourself
PlaySomeDickPiano on
1 year ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
blow me jew ass u/-f-b-i-
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