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posted 1 year ago by Elvis_Interstellar on (+0 / -0 / +372Score on mirror )
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Flightgirl1 on
1 year ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 2 children
Great research. I didn't realize how much Gab has changed. If they are banning Jew naming politicians it won't be long before they totally sellout.
down on
1 year ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
Soon Arete and Gab might be all we have remaining.

Torba in the past, before Jews enraged his company, BANNED Jew Namers!

Torba frequently BANNED Jew Namers from Gab in the past for invalid reasons!

In 2023 he still bans anti-semitic memes by hiding them.
As I mentioned before, though hidden somehow on some threads mysteriously on this site , like FUN FACT 328 shoahed partly on link to thread :....
= = = = = = =
FUN FACT #328 : Gab banned Jew Namers. **Gab never invited them back, or apologized.**
================ banned a political candidate that at one time had 18% of poll number at peak. [admin post DELETED BY JEW PUPPET GAB and then memory holed]
Patrick Little was banned on Gab for a false allegation by Gab admins, invented 25 days after the banning. He was a Jew Namer. He was banned. When pressured claimed he committed some form of crime. The crime was provable free speech and not a direct threat of any crime.
Gab refuses to apologize or let Patrick back onto Gab.
Politician Patrick Little is a victim of Gab deletion and censorship and banning, for 100% legal USA speech that agitated Jews, but he also is an infamous JEW NAMER.
Gab interfered with USA elections and deleted and censored and banned political speech by Patrick Little.
Patrick or someone on his thread stated that he hoped someone would deface a jewish holocaust memorial in the next 365 days or less. Neither of the two SCOTUS tests for are met ! Provable free speech.
The US Supreme court ruled MANY MANY TIMES that to be illegal speech and a call to imminent violence or crime, an utterance needs TWO components :
1 - A SPECIFIC TARGET OR TARGETS not including a complete class of targets.
2 - AN IMMINENT TIME PERIOD LESS THAN 365 days from now.
NEITHER condition was met by preposterous post-ban claim, and the utterance is wholly free speech.
BOTH criteria for illegal speech (plea for imminent lawless action) that any first year law student is taught:
Famous SCOTUS Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)
SCOTUS Hess v. Indiana, 414 U.S. 105 (1973) [must be less than 12 months] :
There are like 68 or more holohoax memorials in usa all over and not naming a subset or viable target also makes the speech into FREE SPEECH. Patrick did not name a specific target, or subset, making it free speech according to US law.
He also did not name a specific time.
**Patrick Little was a Senate candidate!**

And ((( got caught deleting two posts by Patrick Little !!!
The posts were NOT ILLEGAL under US LAW!!!
**HE WAS BANNED WITH FAKE CRAP ON GAB.AI POSTED 25 DAYS IN THE PAST!!!!** banned Patrick Little, despite Patrick knowing cleverly what is legal or not to type in the USA, and Patrick using a non imminent time of 365 days or less, rather than 364 days or less to make it a legal protected speech claim under well worn well established SCOTUS rulings. Patrick is also a shit lord by picking a **class of targets wider than the focus needed to make it an illegal statement** by including all objects in the class of targets : namely all 68 us holohoax memorials, rather than a named selection. Patrick knows how to skate the line !

After first blaming Domain Name registrar, Gab later admitted (((big tech))) (Microsoft), ordered him to delete the Jew Namers from Gab, OR ELSE MICROSOFT CLOUD WOULD DROP GAB!!! (Just like Parler problem in later years)
see ? :
Gab later admitted that de facto JEWS RUN GAB, and JEWS and Gab together shoahed Patrick Little,
Patrick Little had 18% polling in polls less than 6 years ago. His past interviews mentioning how xx % of government is fully run by jews, cost him though. Even Republican Party tried to stop him and Democrats did not want to try and partially advance him in jest, as they did with Trump (backfired).
The left (socialist) is the Nazi party, (refer to but they tried to brand this guy as a National Socialist when his polling hit 18% :
look at the link format!!! It actually claims a RIGHT wing guy is a socialist ! Naughty MSM.
That's USA today that stated :
> Patrick Little got more support than any other Republican candidate in an April 27 SurveyUSA poll. Little polled at 18%, compared with Feinstein's 39%. The next highest-performing GOP candidate came in at 8%.
18% to 1% ... Amazing what the deep state can achieve against a guy.
**GAB.AI weeks after banning LIED! (25 DAYS later)**
**Hurray For Patrick Little!** The protector of FREE SPEECH!
Fuck lying Jew no-free-speech
Ask's @chrimony, or ask @DirectPressure or @NewWorldEbola, about their experiences seeing Gab delete Jew namers.
By the way : Patrick Little's non-deleted jew-naming content still allowed on BitChute (BitShit deleted 20 videos) :
Censor? Don't trust Gab's Torba, Or Epik's Rob Monster, not even a little:
Gab and Jew Epik CEO Rob Monster censor together sometimes, for Democrats. The Christopher Cantwell incident :

Torba is anti Trump in 2021:
Gab since 2021 GIVES POLICE and FEDS your personal info **WITHOUT a court order**, often! :
Also was originally "", and gabbai (Hebrew: גבאי‎‎) is someone that assists jews:
"" is the original name of, and "" was no accident they chose that domain name. See? that still works! Try that link!
Gabbai is coincidentally also a jewish last name. The Gabbai (Gubbay, Gabbay) family of Baghdadi jews was literally in bed with the SASSOON family and they moved to India in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
EVERY WORD I typed above is 100% factual and backed up by various links and news articles. Gab indeed has at times deleted Jew Namers.
TL/DR: Under US Law speech is free speech, except for well defined situations, and **Gab now admits Microsoft asked them to delete Jew Namers**, but one time Gab LIED and smeared provable free speech by a Politician and banned Patrick Little

SRKTiberious on
1 year ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Except Torba has clearly had a Come to Jesus moment and hates the synagogue of satan as much as we do.
deleted 1 year ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
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