This site uses cloudflare to doxx you across 30% of large sites that use cloudflare to create javascript "browser cookies" and tie you to partner cookies from :
- Amazon
- Facebook
- Android
- Apple
- Twitter
This means unless you not only use a new clean browser for EVERY SITE and never use an IP ever except for one site, you are trivial to fully doxx.
Worse... the CloudFlare rules ban private encryption, and the HTTPS is a fake SSL key that goddady constructs for cloudflare to spy on EVERY PM for the Feds.
TL/DR: You are already doxxed by ADL/SPLC/US DHS due to 3rd party cookies tied to your phones and emails
This site uses cloudflare to doxx you across 30% of large sites that use cloudflare to create javascript "browser cookies" and tie you to partner cookies from :
- Amazon
- Facebook
- Android
- Apple
- Twitter
This means unless you not only use a new clean browser for EVERY SITE and never use an IP ever except for one site, you are trivial to fully doxx.
Worse... the CloudFlare rules ban private encryption, and the HTTPS is a fake SSL key that goddady constructs for cloudflare to spy on EVERY PM for the Feds.
TL/DR: You are already doxxed by ADL/SPLC/US DHS due to 3rd party cookies tied to your phones and emails
That music album cover is NOT his face, and Elvis even claimed to "copy" the artists written name but of course its probably a ruse and Elvis has no idea who the artist is other than he is larping to pretend to be semi doxxed.
Its a risky game to play though, and people accused of being me would get their home burned down by Muslims and ANTIFA Jews. Its dangerous to doxx or even anti-doxx.