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whatlike_withacloth on
3 days ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)1 child
I mean... [it was a Supreme Court ruling]( and efforts are being made to undo it.
But this X convo has a point - I consider myself a conservative in a republican/libertarian family. When I suggest breaking the ratchet in order to stop running Left and finally return some of the fundamental, traditional, *actually conservative* values, my brother and my dad call me a fascist. To which I responded "if prosecuting people for crimes and trying to undo the damage their crimes have done makes me a fascist, then I'm Benito fucking Mussolini."
J/k - I don't use the "fuck" word around my family (everything else is true though). Anyway, Mom of all people was completely on my side. I don't generally consider my brother and father cucks, but holy shit they really seem cucked on that.
I know, but, vocally it was like a light switch shut off. Before that I paid little attention to politics and was under the guise they would maintain their platform and continue fighting for things even after a loss or setback. Then I started paying attention and realized that giving ground was actually all they had been doing all long.
>realized that giving ground was actually all they had been doing all long
TBF, they got Roe vs. Wade overturned. And we're railing back against the trans stuff, which is actually having broader effects on the entire faggot movement.
[Like big corporate sponsors pulling funding from Pride in SF](
Now, to our point, Republicans *should be leading the charge on this* rather than waiting to follow the winds and whims of corporate America (or endorsing Gayve Rubin and his "fairly purchased and definitely not going to be raped" baby). The corp.s pulling funding from Pride is the result of the populist movement revealed through the November election, not anything Republican or "Conservative" "leadership" has brought us. We are succeeding *in spite of them.*
We need to keep the pressure up. Keep spreading hard truths that our soft ass society has gotten too weak to acknowledge.
But this X convo has a point - I consider myself a conservative in a republican/libertarian family. When I suggest breaking the ratchet in order to stop running Left and finally return some of the fundamental, traditional, *actually conservative* values, my brother and my dad call me a fascist. To which I responded "if prosecuting people for crimes and trying to undo the damage their crimes have done makes me a fascist, then I'm Benito fucking Mussolini."
J/k - I don't use the "fuck" word around my family (everything else is true though). Anyway, Mom of all people was completely on my side. I don't generally consider my brother and father cucks, but holy shit they really seem cucked on that.
TBF, they got Roe vs. Wade overturned. And we're railing back against the trans stuff, which is actually having broader effects on the entire faggot movement.
[Like big corporate sponsors pulling funding from Pride in SF](
Now, to our point, Republicans *should be leading the charge on this* rather than waiting to follow the winds and whims of corporate America (or endorsing Gayve Rubin and his "fairly purchased and definitely not going to be raped" baby). The corp.s pulling funding from Pride is the result of the populist movement revealed through the November election, not anything Republican or "Conservative" "leadership" has brought us. We are succeeding *in spite of them.*
We need to keep the pressure up. Keep spreading hard truths that our soft ass society has gotten too weak to acknowledge.