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posted 9 days ago by MartinRigggs on (+0 / -0 / +76Score on mirror )
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8 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
I just want to reiterate my thought that I am SO happy Zion Don won. His love for jewery is bring so many more people over to the truth.
MartinRigggs on
8 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
You think so? I think it reiterates the truth to our crowd, I mean to the people who already fully understand the jewish problem, that we are living under ZOG rule no matter who is president. But to the typical righty and conservative, just look at the comments here, these are people who understand the JQ to some extent and yet, they’re so fucking retarded, they think it’s good that Zognald is in office again, as military recruitment skyrockets and we edge even closer to WW3. Those aren’t people who understand the extent of the jewish problem, they honestly think that so long as Don is in office, government no longer hates and wants us dead. Truth is, nothing significant has changed, ZOG still wants us dead, and with Don in office, now we see millions of Whites who are willing to die for ZOG again. They used Trump as a psyop to put Whites in this mindset so when the jews pull the trigger on world war, Whitey will gladly run off to be genocided.
7 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
I was firmly in that Maga/Israel cult 6 years ago. Maybe I'm just choosing to look at the glass half full because I want to believe it. I don't know about the "willing to die for Zog" crap. According to reports, military recruit was on a major decline; then when Zion Don wins we find out it was actually on a major uptick the past year. This doesn't end without bloodshed, and a lot of it. That is 100% not going to happen. Men have never destroyed evil without expending their lives. We just don't have to make it easy for zog and we go down swinging making as much noise as possible.
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