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posted 9 days ago by GoldenInnosStatue on (+1 / -0 / +90Score on mirror )
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Butttoucha9k on
9 days ago 32 points (+0 / -0 / +32Score on mirror ) 2 children
Boomerlogic is amazing
9 days ago 19 points (+0 / -0 / +19Score on mirror ) 1 child
They learned from the masters of pilpul
BeefyBelisarius on
9 days ago 16 points (+0 / -0 / +16Score on mirror )
Not surprising, since they were the first generation raised by the TalmudVison and never had alternate media.
BeefyBelisarius on
9 days ago 12 points (+1 / -0 / +11Score on mirror ) 3 children
Voting age was still 21 back in 1964 and 65, though. You really should be blaming their goyest generation parents, most boomers weren't old enough to vote yet. Instead, blame the boomers for continuing to keep that anti-White garbage going from the 70s onwards.
TakenusernameA on
9 days ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 2 children
Yeah, as ive posted, the goyest gen are 99% to blame for all the subversion of the 50s-70s. They taught their boomer progeny to worship them as the best ever, so the boomers naturally have become their torchbearers when they died. Boomers are basically in a perpetual state of childhood because the goyest gen started the trend of not discipling their kids, and since they society they grew up in seemed 99% white and completely safe, they cant process that they grew up in a complete lie and their parents were monsters who lied to them from birth.
bobbacringo on
9 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
That's certainly true for my father and his siblings. Grandpa would be at work all day, come home, kids running amok because grandma is on pills to make herself feel better. No peace at home, grandpa goes to the bar. Years later and my father is essentially a 73 year old spoiled brat who still has temper tantrums.
Redpilled2Depression on
8 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Man if Boomers are in a perpetual state of childhood, what does that make millennials?

I don’t include Gen X in that question because as far as I can tell, they seem more stable than the generations before and after them.
TakenusernameA on
8 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
>what does that make millennials

Redpilled2Depression on
8 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Am a millennial, you’ll get no complaint from me on that description.
9 days ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 1 child
The blame can go waaayyy back. The 19th in 1919, Abraham jew-lover lincoln in the 1860's. I sometimes wonder if we'd not be better off if we never would have overthrown monarchy. Yet even God warned Israel that Kings would send their sons off to war and tax them (I think the latter, I know he warned on the former). Holy, God fearing Judges were his ideal government, if you want to call it that.
WeedleTLiar on
8 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
It's not like the UK is any better off.
8 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
The monarchy isn't in charge in the UK. Not even close. When I say "overthrew monarchy" I don't just mean the Revolutionary War. I mean Cromwell and his ilk as well.
WeedleTLiar on
8 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I think they get the most shit because they're still around and we can see how they act. We only vaguely remeber our grandparents so we forget how fucked they were as well.

In retrospect, my grandparents both worked to earn money instead of raising their family. They had a ton of kids, sure, but they all grew into shitlibs and moved away. Instead of being cared for in their old age, they died miserably in a retirement home.

The biggest crime of the Boomers is seeing this result and following the same path.
PleaseFaceWall on
9 days ago 20 points (+0 / -0 / +20Score on mirror ) 1 child
It's important to laugh at them hysterically when this topic comes up with boomers.

They think the national guard didn't show up at THEIR school to enforce integration because THEIR town wasn't racist.

BlackPillBot on
9 days ago 11 points (+0 / -0 / +11Score on mirror ) 1 child
Most also refuse to live around shitskins, and have the money to pick up and leave whenever they need to/decide.
Brannvesen on
9 days ago 9 points (+0 / -0 / +9Score on mirror ) 1 child
By design, if they had nowhere to hide they would turn racist and reject niggers in the whole country altogether, like everyone who has to live among niggers.
WeedleTLiar on
8 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Telecope Philanthropy. They love the idea that they're helping but would be aghast if you suggested they actually meet the people they're supposedly giving money tk.
TakenusernameA on
9 days ago 15 points (+0 / -0 / +15Score on mirror ) 2 children
My boomer mom and one of my uncles was talking about how my other aunt is going to visit my cousin who is currently in college in Austria as part of some exchange program is going to visit some random former Labor Camp there for some reason. He also talked about how one time he went to a ball game, he and the other guys decided to go to the holocaust Museum afterwards. When Bishop Williamson was talking about how the Holocaust is the real religion of the West, especially of the boomer, he wasnt joking.
BeefyBelisarius on
9 days ago 13 points (+0 / -0 / +13Score on mirror ) 1 child
The unholy trinity of the boomers: holocaust, nigger worship, and sexual "liberation".
WeedleTLiar on
8 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Women's "Rights" is arguably worse than any of these. They convinced women that they were no different from men, and now they try to compete with men, complain when they inevitably fail, change functional systems and culture until they succeed, and all the while fail to have babies.

Sexual liberation is a part of this, but women's "education" is worse.
GoldenInnosStatue on
9 days ago 12 points (+0 / -0 / +12Score on mirror )
Oh yeah, they go to holocaust museums but not Churches

its kinda like those fat american retards who go to the wailing wall and not the church of the holy sepulchre or the Church of annunciation

but they'll happily go and visit jewish shit because that's what their (((tour guides))) recommend to them

in the mind of the boomer the real savior isn't jesus christ, but jews

that's their religion, they worship kikes as if kikes are holy!

you know what it reminded me, when i was in Amsterdam (back when i was a degen) i went to smoke some weed with a friend and then go to a museum stoned, so we walked for a bit until we saw a big ass museum and a line

i asked "yo what's this line for"
"Anna Frank's house" and i was like "oh really? is she there?" and there was like a blank statement on the dude's face

i don't remember what happened after, but i certainly did not wait the line for some holohoax bullshit (that was in 2017 when i was beginning to read holohoax skeptic material)

though i do remember being in one of the bigger museums in Amsterdam, the rijksmuseum or whatever its called

it was a great experience, and the ticket costed like half of the anna frank house admission price.
x79q3pb on
9 days ago 10 points (+0 / -0 / +10Score on mirror ) 2 children
Government schooling, mass propaganda campaigns, higher quality standard of living they don't necessary need to mix with the mess they created.
TakenusernameA on
9 days ago 9 points (+0 / -0 / +9Score on mirror )
To be fair to the boomers, the goyest gen is responsible for the mess, the boomers are just their torchbearers. De-Segregation and Hart Cellar happened in the 60s (when the goyest generation was in their 30s and 40s and worming their way through the government), the oldest boomers were barely even eligible for military service and couldnt even vote because the voting age wasnt lowered until after vietnam. As insufferable and jewed as boomers are, they are also the victims of the goyest gen's treason and were brainwashed to see the most wicked and treasonous generation in western history as the saviors of the world.
WeedleTLiar on
9 days ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror )
And high levels of atmospheric lead that their precious government not only allowed, but covered up for over a decade.
LesboPregnancyScare on
9 days ago 9 points (+0 / -0 / +9Score on mirror )
the core tenets of boomerism are:

- do not acknowledge things have changed

- dont be racist [so says the TV]

- watch TV

- believe TV

- watch TV

- believe TV

- watch TV

- believe TV

- watch TV

- believe TV

- watch TV

- believe TV

- watch TV

- believe TV

- watch TV

- believe TV

- watch TV

- believe TV

- watch TV

- believe TV

- watch TV

- believe TV

- watch TV

- believe TV

- watch TV

- believe TV
Vlad_The_Impaler on
9 days ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
Imagine being a lying deceptive kike jew moderator at and pretending you are America First but never making White racial demographics or White Pride or White people's political interests a key component of your political party platform. Guys like u/TheLiquorSnurf and u/DickTick and u/DatTrumpDoh are complete frauds. All Trump's hires are DEI or zionist shabbos goy jew worshiping suckups.

So far Trump is helping Israel fight wars in Palestine, JewKraine, Yemen and Syria. But he's deporting less illegal aliens than Obama, can't build a wall, is extending Biden's budget until the end of the year, isn't making any of the DOGE cuts permanent in the budget, won't even mention White people as a race or a political interest group of their own while he grovels to AIPAC and to ZOA and other foreign agent jew organizations.

The only thing keeping inflation down is rigged oil prices. Dollar has lost half its value since Trump was elected. Look at Gold price right now. That's because banker jews are turning in all their fiat for gold right now. Trump will NEVER go after these deep state banker class jews. Trump works for them. He's a FRAUD!!!
Byzantine_Shill on
9 days ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 1 child
The Latin Mass was used for thousands of years until the Greatest Generation and Boomers came along.

The Greatest Generation gave us income tax, social security, and the welfare state.
TakenusernameA on
9 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
Goyest gen will probably be judged with the Giants of old, because of their pride and wickedness.
WeedleTLiar on
8 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Goyest Gen doesn't get nearly enough hate.

My parents were born in the 50s, which means they would have been in their early 20s during the sexual revolution, civil rights era, and all that other BS. That is clearly on the heads of the goyest gen.
Ecl1pseGST on
9 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
Lead gas. No really, they are actually retarded from huffing that shit.
Brannvesen on
9 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
We'll find out soon enough as lead gas is on the rise again with all the new EVs and all the tire particles they spread around. At least gasoline has been unleaded for many decades.
TakenusernameA on
9 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
I dont think Gen Alpha can physically get more retarded.
Brannvesen on
9 days ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 1 child
Hold my beer.
TakenusernameA on
8 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
If they get more retarded, they will either turn into literal chimps, or go through the other end of retardation and turn into idiot savants capable of building rocket ships and completely unable to tie their shoes.
shmuklipoopoo on
9 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
Boomers aren't retarded, they're a product of their time. They had hippie retards the same way we have tumblerinas. The big difference is that their only source of information was controlled Jewish propaganda while we have the internet. Though (((they're))) doing all they can to control that too by centralising traffic to a few big sites and censoring from there.
Vlad_The_Impaler on
9 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
asbestos, years of slugging down domestic beer, lead in the paint chips, lead pipes, fluoride overdosing, hypnosis by tell-lies-vision, jew controlled 401ks, sportsball fanaticism, white bread stripped of all nutrients, lead fillings in their teeth soaking into their jaw and skull
WeedleTLiar on
8 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Atmospheric lead. People underestimate this but, due to leaded fuel being used for decades, *global* atmospheric lead levels rose high enough to cause brain damage during the 70s and 80s.

*Everyone* alive at this time is retarded. Why do you think millenials are so fucked?
RoulerBleu on
9 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
I miss my 99%+ White region, city included, when my nation was 95%+ White.
GoldenInnosStatue on
8 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I remember when seeing Niggers was a rare anomaly, not a common occurrence.
Pristine_cheek_6093 on
9 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
And they will defend Israel to the death. And say “at least we’re not speaking German”, as they go on holiday with their 5 million dollar retirement package. Fucking fucks
LordGrimTheInvincibl on
9 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
WeedleTLiar on
8 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Part of our Heritage
llamatr0n on
9 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
millenials will say the same

except about it being a good country in the past
bobbacringo on
9 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
I say that shit, but I also know it was because the town I grew up in was 99% white.
WoodchipperSchool on
9 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
The old fucks complaining are the ones that sold us out.
9 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Boomer truth regime.
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