10 days ago13 points(+0/-0/+13Score on mirror)2 children
I can blame them for their own failures though, and Anon is correct that a lot of women are thoroughly judaized and care more about consuming product than the propagation of their race,
10 days ago10 points(+0/-0/+10Score on mirror)2 children
Its getting very close, when was the last time you saw an unmarried woman with enough modesty to wear a dress in public instead of dressing like a faggot?
10 days ago7 points(+0/-0/+7Score on mirror)1 child
I haven’t seen a woman between the ages of 25-45 who isn’t at least one of the following
Face pierced
Funny colored hair
This is just the things you can see right off the bat. That’s just her passing the first phase, which is nearly impossible today. Then you get to the really juicy stuff like is she a single mom, vaxxed, immune to pair bonding because of high BC, and nigger pilled. And as for your dress comment, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen any woman wear a dress out other than a wedding dress, and I live in the deep south.
Edit: I’m talking sundresses by the way, not shit like the ones the women wear to bars and nightclubs today.
Agreed on the first part as I’m sure most of us do.
Single or not? You’d know if they are single by putting yourself in environments or involving yourself in group activities which allow for casual conversation with them.
There are more good women out there than the user base of this board would like to admit and it’s clear to any honest person that many here have a vested interest in denying this.
Depends on what you consider passable. If your main goal is physically, and mentally healthy children, it basically is zero now. It’s definitely zero for the average, and below average man of today.
Maybe not. However, if passable women are around 10% of the population (and I contend they are), that means they marry by their mid-20s and 90% of men are out of luck. That's a big problem.
10 days ago4 points(+0/-0/+4Score on mirror)2 children
Women expecting basic things like decent looks/effort to look good, and hygene, and a provider (if they take care of the kids) is fair. Everything else is on them. Though I guess we/our forefathers are also to blame for letting them go crazy.
It sounds wrong and "incel"-like to say, but the fact is women shouldn't be voting because too many are irresponsible and voting with their feelings, etc. (they are low testosterone, were not made to handle issues like conflict, confrontation and war, which is fine. They are better suited for raising children/being mothers).
The ancient Greeks already knew women's "eros" (basically emotional temperament) must be kept under control for a stable society.
The sad truth is that, even if you become a man worthy of a good women, there are very few good women to begin with.
My grandmother grew and preserved almost all the food her family ate. She broke her hip falling out of a pear tree at 70. They just don't build em like that anymore.
10 days ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)1 child
Do what I did: find a young liberal coed whose genetic value is higher than her sexual market value, and redpill her gently. Do it right, and she'll be almost as racist as you are in about a year.
If you're anything like me, you have more testosterone than men half your age.
Yeah, I did that. We were together 15 years, two young kids when she decided she "wasn't happy" and fucked off in the middle of the night. That's the only explanation I ever got before she completely flushed her life down the toilet (lost her place, lost her job, dating a drug dealer/petty thief until he OD'd and died).
She's still racist, but she's also still retarded.
It's a game of Russian roulette, with the civilization of Whites at stake. I'd pray without ceasing if I was a young man and truly wanted a wife and family.
Most women don't find me attractive but at least I'm there personally, I got married at 20 and had kids. No reason you cNt do the same either bulk up or figure out your personality and if that all doesn't work fight in the civil war and conquer America lol
I blame the jews. If it wasnt for usury I would have a nice abundant life growing up. I wasnt aware of the root of the problem then and had this same attitude like oh I wouldnt be able to afford kids. I wouldnt be able to give them a childhood that I never had because I would have to choose between being absent or broke
I just got done watching this.
Face pierced
Funny colored hair
This is just the things you can see right off the bat. That’s just her passing the first phase, which is nearly impossible today. Then you get to the really juicy stuff like is she a single mom, vaxxed, immune to pair bonding because of high BC, and nigger pilled. And as for your dress comment, I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen any woman wear a dress out other than a wedding dress, and I live in the deep south.
Edit: I’m talking sundresses by the way, not shit like the ones the women wear to bars and nightclubs today.
With fats, you know their drug.
Single or not? You’d know if they are single by putting yourself in environments or involving yourself in group activities which allow for casual conversation with them.
There are more good women out there than the user base of this board would like to admit and it’s clear to any honest person that many here have a vested interest in denying this.