Yes they sure can, they’ve been caught harvesting organs from Palestinians in the past. Also, I was watching a documentary about illegal organ trade 7 or 8 years ago, China was pretty much the main focus of that doc, and apparently the Uyghur Muslims in China are used to supply the organs needed for their multibillion dollar black market organ trade industry. China’s gov gets a health profile on all of the Uyghurs, all the basic shit, health history, blood type etc, so when someone goes to China asking to buy an organ, they can locate a perfect living healthy match, take him/her into an operating room and harvest the organs needed….Israelis were mentioned as one of the main buyers in China’s black market organ trade. I’d love to find that documentary again, just crazy evil shit going on in this world.
This was one of the Brooklyn jews who got caught selling “Israeli” organs in the U.S., definitely coming from Palestinian victims, but they don’t just use those organs for other people, they go into jews whenever needed. This case happened a long time ago, luckily I’ve been an antisemite for a long time so this stuck in my memory, although it was hard to find, the first linked article I found about it was wiped from the archives. Oh and pretty sure this jew was with a whole group of jews who were selling organs illegally, and the ring leader was the first person to ever be arrested for organ trade in the U.S.. Kikes literally corner every evil market there is.
We've paid Israel roughly 8 billion a year, just in "aid"...not counting military transactions, for decades. We're paying for their healthcare, education, you name it. They're just throwing around the money we give them or that they print themselves.