Mulattos should not be accepted into society. It should be shameful. Shame works, people just have to shame others. This video, as crass as it is, it's publicly shaming a whore.
When will you learn to stop showing pity to your enemies? Niggers kill white children constantly and you’re bothered by calling some nig mutt a nigger? I have no sympathy for niggers regardless of age.
This guys a Latino, he’s not even white, he’s shouting nigger in a toddlers face, and panhandling on a live stream. In all fairness I understand the fun of this forum, but you guys are the biggest group of larpers to ever exist.
12 days ago3 points(+1/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
Look at his face without the shades, it's obvious he's not white. Fags and jews run many alt-right groups
Forgive me for generalizing but I don't like the Judaizing heresy mixed with White Nationalism/Supremacy. I don't like the two seed theology, it's not something that can be found from careful Bible reading. I don't like how the CNT replaces Jesus with Yahshua and God/Lord with Yahweh. I don't like turning Whiteness into a sort of idol. I don't like the weird gnostic secret knowledge/conspiracy theory stuff talked about. I think it was Bertrand Comparet who said that Jesus brought Adam here on a spaceship. I did earnestly look into CI, listened to a few messages from William Finck. But my honest opinion is that it has some correct conclusions about race and jews but nothing that can't be found in a truly Biblical group like Stone Choir. I think William Finck could do amazing things for the Church if he repented from the CI stuff and joined men like Corey J. Mahler in the defense of the truth.
I'm not sure if Consume Product will ever figure out what you just said. However, this video should help them to do so.
If i were the whore in this scenario, i would claim to be a babysitter and say the creature ain't mine.