Just got this fresh baby goat out of the goat oven.
I don't usually get involved but she's a first time mom and I happened to be around (I'm usually not) and she was hooting and hollering, it's a big single baby and so I grabbed the front legs and yanked as hard as seemed reasonable... So far she's being a great Mountain Momma...
The things you want in a great mother goat are that they clean it up real quick and dry off the baby. Then they assume the nursing position... She's presenting herself well.
Haha, great question. I thought the same thing... It does have that white belt though, which the mom sorta has too. It's actually super rare to get a complete Black goat. They usually have a small section of other color in somewhere like this one does.
It is odd because the Dad is not black either. He's kinda tan with a gray line on his back, I posted a picture of him recently. I am guessing it's grandfather was black but I'll have to go check my records and get back to you