1 month ago18 points(+0/-0/+18Score on mirror)3 children
>only country that is actually worse than the racist shitposts make it out to be
Is it though? i read a comment from a White South African guy who said his father was a policeman who saw crazy shit that black people did like boiling babies in a pot.
1 month ago7 points(+0/-0/+7Score on mirror)1 child
Possibly because it was barely ever an issue. It's like outlawing rolling naked on the street. With the added influx of niggers and mexiniggers, the incentive was given.
1 month ago-1 points(+0/-0/-1Score on mirror)2 children
There is no such thing as "forced" sex with one's wife. And pee-pee in va-jay-jay is not "unnatural". Only a flaming homo would write something like that and only a homo would upvoat it!
Is it though? i read a comment from a White South African guy who said his father was a policeman who saw crazy shit that black people did like boiling babies in a pot.
Its simply what they are