We are being flooded with subhuman scum that knifes and rapes us. They hate God. They hate Christ. They hate us.
How, no, WHY, should i love them or forgive them or have mercy.
It seems a whole lot more Satanic and sinful and wrong not to act, not to defend, not to avenge. Sloth and all that. False priests and all that.
Its all well fine and good and respectable that people go down the path of sheltered monasticism, and i don't know what he has experienced in life, but this just seems wrong and weak.
I'm sorry but i'm not a Lamb. Christ in Sacrifice was the Lamb.
"You were sent to heal the contrite of heart. Lord have mercy."
*Lord have Mercy*
"You came to call sinners. Christ have mercy."
*Christ have Mercy*
"You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us. Lord have Mercy."
*Lord have Mercy*
"May our Lord have Mercy on us, forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life."
Yes ... deny narcissism, vanity, pride ... all that ... those are forms of self-love that have replaced God, much like the idols that Solomon fell to. Study Samuel, Chronicles and Kings in the OT and pay attention to Saul. He's the classic narcissist. There's even a verse that points it out about him caring more of what others thought of him and it becoming his driving force.
But again, going back to the weakness of our humanity, it is on display on how the Roman soldiers treated Jesus during the mocking and crowning of thorns. They would give Him a reed (or it could be interpreted as a staff) to signify His rulership and then take it away and beat Him with it while spitting on Him.
This is symbolic of what we do to Jesus in our daily lives with the constant battle of : "I will do Your will"/"I want what I want and I will take it."
Each one of us has our own personal battles and must come to Christ on his own. Just remember that the Love of the Father is a perfect Love, as all things from the Father are and Jesus was sent to provide the pathway to that Love. A big part of that pathway is confession as seen in the conversation between Nathan and David after David basically rapes Bathsheba and has Uriah murdered. David confesses with a contrite heart and is forgiven ("The LORD has put away your sin, you shall not die.") ... but forgiveness doesn't mean he will escape the justice that follows disobedience.
But ... self-love is OK. Just don't let it replace God.
https://app.podcastguru.io/podcast/the-bible-in-a-year-with-fr-mike-schmitz-1539568321 <--- I recommend. I'm on my second playthrough.