2 days ago17 points(+0/-0/+17Score on mirror)1 child
This is some low IQ shit that relies on the premise that Hitler being the aggressor is an indisputable historical fact.
Between the genocidal Sanctions of Versailles (I won’t use the word treaty for this, that’s not what it was), the proactive Jewish boycott of Germany because they dared have an economy without usury, and Hitler’s repeated desperate attempts at peace (arguably to a fault), the Allies were the clear aggressors.
2 days ago11 points(+0/-0/+11Score on mirror)1 child
Not to mention it was a continuation of WWI thanks to Versailles putting all the fault on germany who was dragged in by their alliance with austria and not the black hand terrorists who actually started the whole affair.
2 days ago14 points(+0/-0/+14Score on mirror)3 children
“Yes, and?”
>“One day President Roosevelt told me that he was asking publicly for suggestions about what the war should be called. I said at once ‘The Unnecessary War.’ There never was a war more easy to stop than that which has just wrecked what was left of the world from the previous struggle.” **~ Winston** “Oh fuck oh God what have I done, uh, the whole empire is collapsing and there’s niggers everywhere, quick, launch the Keep England White campaign!” **Churchill**; *The Second World War*, vol. 1
>“There never was a war in history easier to prevent by timely action than the one which has just desolated such great areas of the globe. It could have been prevented in my belief without the firing of a single shot, and Germany might be powerful, prosperous and honored today; but no one would listen and one by one we were all sucked into the awful whirlpool.” **~ Winston** “Fuck, it really was the jews all along, wasn't it…” **Churchill**; *Sinews of Peace* speech; March 5, 1946
2 days ago10 points(+0/-0/+10Score on mirror)1 child
"Every European war is a civil war, said Napoleon. Historians will look back on 1914–1918 and 1939–1945 as two phases of the Great Civil War of the West, where the once-Christian nations of Europe fell upon one another with such savage abandon they brought down all their empires, brought an end to centuries of Western rule, and advanced the death of their civilization."
-An excerpt from Churchill, Hitler, and the unneccessary war, by Patrick Buchanan.
Very good book.
If you like it I suggest you check "Advance to Barbarism". A book by a real and respected historian who also talks about the World Wars as European Civil Wars.
People think Hitler was the aggressor for simply trying to reunite Germany. Danzig was Polish for literally 20 years, when before that it was part of Prussia, the birthplace of the 2nd Reich. That would like if Mexico took Arizona in 2005 and in 2025 Trump invaded Arizona to take it back, and England and France declared war on the U.S.
It's fucking ridiculous how much the jews have lied to us.
They know the script works, so they keep using it. The Ukraine had been Russian since the foundation of the United States. Minus the USSR nonsense, it has only existed as an independent entity for 30 years before the current invasion. The justification—ethnic Russians are being dispossessed by the Ukrainian government—is exactly what was happening to Germans in the Prussian corridor.
It’s all Hollywood anymore. They just reuse the script, change the names, dates, and places, and the goyim eat it up.
> “There never was a war in history easier to prevent by timely action than the one which has just desolated such great areas of the globe. It could have been prevented in my belief without the firing of a single shot, and Germany might be powerful, prosperous and honored today; but no one would listen and one by one we were all sucked into the awful whirlpool.” **~ Winston “Fuck, it really was the jews all along, wasn't it…” Churchill; Sinews of Peace speech; March 5, 1946
What is this? He's literally the man who started it.
Are you saying he completely changed his mind afterwards and admitted he was wrong? Hard to believe...
Also needs more context, what does he imply that might have prevented the war? Germany giving up territorial claims?
Well, he’s the one who kept it going. He could have cut peace with Hitler and focused on the USSR, which they both recognized as an actual threat. He became prime minister through cutting a deal with the jews. His alcoholism, etc. would be overlooked by the media, and in exchange he would lead Britain to exterminate Germany. And he took the deal. And on his first day in office started bombing German civilians.
>Are you saying he completely changed his mind afterwards and admitted he was wrong?
[YEP.](https://books.google.com/books?id=59wSDAAAQBAJ&q=keep+england+white#v=snippet&q=keep%20england%20white&f=false) As soon as the war was over, he realized what he had done.
>Also needs more context, what does he imply that might have prevented the war? Germany giving up territorial claims?
2 days ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)2 children
What they openly claim to be a farce, they know secretly to be true, as a form of subversion, and to mock the people they manipulate.
Britain DID start WW2. Well, the people who were actually in charge of Britain started it, and it wasn't the Churchill, or the British. Discussing this topic is what got me banned from TheDonald a few years ago. I'll keep posting this every time this subject comes up, because everyone needs to read it:
The British (and their puppet masters) had a secret deal with Poland to instigate a war with Germany. They wanted to destroy Germany and the German people, but needed a way to start the war. This is why Britain had been gearing up for war long before WW2 kicked off, and why Britain and France only declared war on Germany for invading Poland, but didn't declare war on Russia for doing the exact same thing, in the exact same month. Britain (and their puppet masters) didn't give a crap about Poland. Poland, and the Polish people, were merely a tool to be used and discarded by the warmongers.
Germany had every right to invade Poland for what they were doing. Poland was genociding the ethnic Germans in the newly created Polish territory after WW1, Germans which had lived in that area for hundreds of years, if not thousands. Their history in the region goes through Prussia, the Teutonic Knights, the Holy Roman Empire, and before.
While it seems the Polish people hated the Germans, it seems apparent that there was heavy jewish influence in Poland to foment this genocide and the war with Germany. As we all know, White people don't just wake up and start to hate each other, or other groups, out of a whim. It takes years upon years of injustices to get us to hate. And, we know that White people are not oppressive murderers like the mainstream media and school textbooks like to claim. So, the reasons for why the Polish hated the Germans had to have been conjured, propagandized, and inflamed upon the Polish people, to get more willing participants than the jewish partisans which were fomenting these atrocities. This jewish tactic is identical to what they've been doing to the entire White West for at least the last 100 years. There's too many examples to ignore the paradigm. We also know that jews instigate wars to enrich themselves, and enact their own plans.
Before Germany invaded Poland, Poland had murdered tens of thousands of Germans in Poland. Poland had openly bragged to the entire world they could single handedly defeat Germany. They had openly given out their invasion plans of Germany, multiple times. Poland had attacked German farms and military installations, on German soil, multiple times. Germany had every right to invade, if at the minimum, to protect their own people in Poland. That was all the string pullers needed to ignite WW2 and declare war on Germany. This is also why every single peace offer Hitler proposed, even when they were winning, was denied. They did not want peace.
The truth of this was covered up afterwards, teaching the new "approved" version of history, where all fault lies with Germany, all crimes laid at their feet, to convince each of us that they "deserved" all of the atrocities we committed against them, and why we all collectively, as White people, deserve to be ethnically replaced in our own homelands, and if we dare collectivize, we are called "Nazis". This singular war is the bedrock upon which all the other propaganda rests, to guilt us to accept our own genocide.
Oh yes. In fact a Jew in the British government, Leslie Hore-Belisha, managed to make Britain adopt the military conscription in April 1939 (i.e. in peacetime).
That's what happens when we have Jews in power. They will make our people go die for them.
One angle I'd like to add is that the real war has always been Europe vs the USSR. The war was inevitable. Hitler was preparing for this war and tried to unite all of Europe to fight against the Bolsheviks. Germany offered Poland to join them in this struggle for our civilization, and Poland refused for the sake of trying to steal some land from Germany.
Poland was under a military dictatorship (*oh wait, I thought WWII was for muh democracy?*) so it's hard to say how much the Polish people were responsible for this, but Poland committed the gravest and dumbest error that a nation ever committed in the history of the world. And they still brag about how they kept on fighting guerrilla like niggers... Or how they even went to fight for the Americans in Western Europe and then... they were left under the USSR. How the fuck can a nation be so dumb?
Seriously I cannot think of a nation more retarded than Poland.
On the other hand, we all owe gratitude to the German people. For the third time in history, the Germans led the fight to defend our continent from the Asiatic hordes. The Germans, the strongest of the Aryan tribes, are the defenders of Europe.
> Hitler was preparing for this war and tried to unite all of Europe to fight against the Bolsheviks.
Only from November-December 1940 onward once it was clear that the Soviet govt was plotting its own war. By wanting military bases in Bulgaria, far too close to Germany's only remaining major oil supplies.
> Germany offered Poland to join them in this struggle for our civilization,
They simply wanted Poland to give some territories back, not join a war against the Soviet-Union.
That fucking retard put Stalin on the side of the Axis.
America I get it, the premise of the cartoon is that Trump would have made America join the axis, but Stalin sitting at that table makes no sense.
Between the genocidal Sanctions of Versailles (I won’t use the word treaty for this, that’s not what it was), the proactive Jewish boycott of Germany because they dared have an economy without usury, and Hitler’s repeated desperate attempts at peace (arguably to a fault), the Allies were the clear aggressors.
You are acting like they got away Scot free.
Serbia does nothing and waits out the deadline
Austria declares war on serbia.
Due to alliances, Germany, France, Russia, and Britan join the fray.
I think it's fair to say that Austria-Hungary started WWI.