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24 days ago0 points(+0/-0)
Not everything a communist says is wrong. The core argument of "letting people run themselves" isn't wrong. Their idea on how to get there is retarded and evil, though.
And yes, whining about every perceived injustice hoping some external force will remedy it is one of those things that makes communism evil.
RE anarchism -- the key is "govern themselves". You CAN have anarchy, but it requires people take responsibility for their own actions and their own property etc... A true "anarchist" society would have a whole lot of "archy". That's why "anarchy" is a ridiculous idea. The question isn't whether we should have someone governing us, the question is WHO should govern us, and my answer is "Take that for yourself, and let no one else have it!" It is, curiously, the same answer anyone else who has ever studied politics or history realizes.
And yes, whining about every perceived injustice hoping some external force will remedy it is one of those things that makes communism evil.
RE anarchism -- the key is "govern themselves". You CAN have anarchy, but it requires people take responsibility for their own actions and their own property etc... A true "anarchist" society would have a whole lot of "archy". That's why "anarchy" is a ridiculous idea. The question isn't whether we should have someone governing us, the question is WHO should govern us, and my answer is "Take that for yourself, and let no one else have it!" It is, curiously, the same answer anyone else who has ever studied politics or history realizes.