23 days ago10 points(+0/-0/+10Score on mirror)1 child
Handrub, it is you who are the kike.
"Hey goys! Let's rape our own women, goys! Aren't our mothers and sisters pieces of garbage to be used for our amusement? Of course they are, let's split our race right down the middle by sex, fellow Whites".
23 days ago7 points(+0/-0/+7Score on mirror)1 child
It's not about that, it's about preventing creation of mulattoes which happens if you let shitskins rape White women. (((Laws against rape))) targets every man and is commonly exploited by shabbos goy women, when it should have instead been specifically designed to execute shitskins for attempting to breed mulattoes.
23 days ago4 points(+0/-0/+4Score on mirror)1 child
Agreed, just saying that before (((subversion))), we didn't need specific laws against things like rape or theft. Because every White man had the Christian morale to not commit such crimes.
This is also part of the plan towards creating a dystopian mass surveillance society. Something the jew gets support for through diversity.
Oh yeah. Most certainly. Way back when, a caught rapist would just be lynched. But that was back when vigilante Justice wasn't (((illegal))) yet. It was still like that in the rural south and appalachia until circa the 1960s. Usually the KKK (this is literally why the KKK existed. The infrastructure of the south was destroyed after the civil war and the KKK stepped in to enforce justice. No, it wasnt an organization for the sole purpose of hating niggers, or there wouldnt be any KKK chapters in places where blacks didnt exist) or local townspeople would take care of the issue themselves. The police only got involved if it required an investigation. Emmet Till wasn't killed because he was a nigger, he was killed because he raped a white woman. He would have gotten the same treatment if he were a white man who raped a woman, but it wouldn't have went anywhere because no racial victim points.
"Hey goys! Let's rape our own women, goys! Aren't our mothers and sisters pieces of garbage to be used for our amusement? Of course they are, let's split our race right down the middle by sex, fellow Whites".
After we get the niggers out, you're next.
Until you faggots harden, we will continue to suffer.
Also 100% incel.
No. It's about both.
Even if there were 0 chance at creating a child, I wouldn't want niggers raping white women. Or even white men raping white women.
Being good to our own people also involves being good to our own women outside of pure pragmatism.
This is also part of the plan towards creating a dystopian mass surveillance society. Something the jew gets support for through diversity.