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See title. I'm curious to know when the first mentions of the holocaust were. I've seen some things to suggest they were long after WWII, and it took until the 70s for it to appear in encyclopedias and dictionaries. However on the contrary we have books like If This Is a Man by Primo Levi which was published in October 1947, only two years after he left Auschwitz, and published a few months earlier was Diary of a Young Girl in June of 1947. Are there any earlier? News reports, survivor accounts, whatnot?
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KyleIsThisTall on
23 days ago 7 points (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror )
Well, the kabalistic number of 6 million which was made in publicly disseminated literature in the late 1800s when printing presses became afforadable

But in the context of WWII it was the mid 1970s when a jew larped as a NSDAP enthusiast and got the jew run ACLU to sue SKokie, IL, to force them to permit a march of other subversive jews and some useful idiots. Soon after there was a made for TV miniseries which spread the lie to the masses because they knew jew loving TV viewers wouldn't do any research to verify the claims made by the magic moving picture box.

Multiple books written about WWII by the leaders of the Allied powers - Hurchill, Patton, De Gaulle - not a single mention of a so-called holocaust. Enigma encryption had been cracked and not a single message transmitted regarding it. Nothing. No documentation whatsoever.
23 days ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror )
>I've seen some things to suggest they were long after WWII, and it took until the 70s
Nope. As early as 1899 in a dictionary, supposedly. (See the xcancel link in the comments)
And if you read through the Megathread, you'll see this posted:
>Pages from the 1947 edition of Encyclopedia Britannica on jews and the holocaust (BIG thanks to u/TallestSkil for these pictures from his copy): (Entry on the holocaust) (Entry on the concentration camps) (The tail end of the generic entry for “jews,” with no mention whatsoever of wartime events) (The entry for refugees)
>Per u/TallestSkil: Note that the above entries were written two years after the end of World War II, one year after the conclusion of the highly publicized Nuremberg Trials. This is one of the most authoritative informational books of the era and there is not a single word of genocide mentioned, not even in passing.
steele2 on
23 days ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror )
It started as Russian WW2 wartime propaganda.

That mean-girl-gossip was presented to the 12 kike judges of the Nuremberg Trials and recorded as evidence without question.

The six million originally started as about four million for Auschwitz (sorry, can't remember the exact numbers because it's been years since I researched this), but was quickly increased to six million after kike fake news included the fictional gas chamber showers at Dachau.

Soil, wall and structure samples were taken from the "gas chamber showers" at Auschwitz and Dachau during the 1950s, to be tested for Zyklon B.

These tests were repeated dozens of time for both sites because none of the independent scientific teams believed the results which were all identical: the showers at both Auschwitz and Dachau were definitively and repeatedly forensically proven to never have been used to gas anyone.

[The Dachau memorial site now has signs in several languages, explaining how their showers are just normal showers.](

The Auschwitz memorial site will have security guards drag you from the property if you ask about those scientific forensic tests.

That's how zero became four million became six million became four million became zero and it fondly remembered by jews as six million.


That said, kikes have been claiming they were repeatedly holocausted for over 3,000 years:
Brannvesen on
23 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
The magic number of 6M appears very early on, often in MSM in English speaking countries, kvetching about 6M kikes risk getting executed. Something about preparation for the future propaganda.

However, information about the event itself, i.e the official story with gassing of exactly 6M kikes, who were all comically excuted, with 15M sovivors appearing out of nowhere later on didn't became common until around the 70's.

Encyclopedia Britannica has no mention of any holocaust before 1971 for instance. Which is interesting, if the official story had any truth in it, they would have known what happened much earlier and the event would have been included in such large and old encyclopedia which mentions many real genocides around the world, long before the 70's.
TakenusernameA on
23 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
If it had happened as claimed, the germans wouldnt have been able to hide it, and if Hitler had to discontinue Aktion T4 over public outrage, you can bet the Germans probably wouldnt have tolerated a Holocaust either. You can bet someone in charge of logistics would have at least had some complaints about them mass executing jews instead of using them as forced labor or conscripting them into the army.
TakenusernameA on
23 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
The term itself is Greek and refers to the Hebrew sacrifice of completely consuming a sacrifice by fire, so in that use it goes back literal Millenia. For a mass tragedy, generally by fire, its more recent, but still probably a couple hundred years old. For the Germans putting fake jew PoWs in concentration camps and forcing them to work off their fraud, probably the 50s and 60s.
HimmlerWasRight88 on
20 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
> The term itself is Greek and refers to the Hebrew sacrifice of completely consuming a sacrifice by fire, so in that use it goes back literal Millenia.

Yes, the word holocaust literally means sacrifice.

The Jews have replaced the sacrifice of Jesus Christ with the sacrifice of 6 millions of their own, to save us from the original sin of racism.

Western countries today do not worship Jesus Christ. Our countries worship the Jews. Denying the holocaust has greater social and legal consequences than denying that Jesus died on the cross, which proves our countries' religion is the worship of the Jews as our gods.
LesboPregnancyScare on
22 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I have an American New Collegiate dictionary from 1981 that doesnt mention it.
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