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XBX_X on
23 days ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
Agreed? ... I'm still not going to discourage them, though. They're much more organized and effective then Whites. Everyone just accepts that Muslims hate Jews and they're (mostly) given a free pass to do it publicly. We're relegated to exposing Zionism from behind memes and innuendoes in the comments. We're not on the same "team" -- we don't even want the same things -- but there's real synergies to benefit from.
23 days ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
I'd be more than happy to sit back and watch the demon worshippers destroy each other, but both groups have declared war against Europe and against Whites and i will not tolerate that.
Muslims and Jews to the grave, simple as.
Thanks for admitting you're not White and don't belong here, by the way.
The time of your shapeshifting and infiltration is over.