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HimmlerWasRight88 on
20 days ago0 points(+0/-0)
It's not interesting fact. It's a Jewish psyop to fuck with us.
Emil Maurice had one-eighth Jewish ancestry. He didn't even fucking know that. He had one great-grandfather who was Jewish. That is very different from claiming that he was a Jew.
He was not a true token jew like that dumbass u/devotech2 said.
It's a well know Jewish tactic to make us doubt the "purity" of Hitler's racial ideas.
Emil Maurice had one-eighth Jewish ancestry. He didn't even fucking know that. He had one great-grandfather who was Jewish. That is very different from claiming that he was a Jew.
He was not a true token jew like that dumbass u/devotech2 said.
It's a well know Jewish tactic to make us doubt the "purity" of Hitler's racial ideas.
FYI u/Frogger69