24 days ago5 points(+1/-0/+4Score on mirror)1 child
Emil Maurice was the odd man out. A true token jew. The dude was literally in the DAP either at the same time as or even before Hitler, was the oldest oldfag in the SA as well as founding member, and member no. 2 (ever, no. 1 was hitler) of the SS. Was with hitler literally through their entire fucking careers. From 1919 to 1945.
Almost all of his notable work was pre-war. He took a back seat during the war and was just Hitlers Chauffeur. But from just after ww1 to right before the start of ww2? Hitlers top guy. Crazy shit.
24 days ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)3 children
>Hitlers top guy. Crazy shit.
Truly is. I personally wouldn't have allowed that.
In Hitler's case I'm understanding because he did not have access to the level of knowledge that we do about jews and he was still somewhat naive about them.
It's not interesting fact. It's a Jewish psyop to fuck with us.
Emil Maurice had one-eighth Jewish ancestry. He didn't even fucking know that. He had one great-grandfather who was Jewish. That is very different from claiming that he was a Jew.
He was not a true token jew like that dumbass u/devotech2 said.
It's a well know Jewish tactic to make us doubt the "purity" of Hitler's racial ideas.
And yet (((hollywood))) wants you to believe that "Da ebil nat zees where obsezzed wif rayshal purity!!!111"
Which was a mistake. One drop rule and all that.
Also *NSDAP/National Socialists, btw. Nazi is a perjorative term.
>Da ebil nat zees where obsezzed wif rayshal purity!!!111
Well they should have been, IMO.
One of the requirements for joining the SS was having a pure Germanic ancestry that stretched all the way back to the 1700's.
So, in a way, they where obsessed with purity.
Almost all of his notable work was pre-war. He took a back seat during the war and was just Hitlers Chauffeur. But from just after ww1 to right before the start of ww2? Hitlers top guy. Crazy shit.
Truly is. I personally wouldn't have allowed that.
In Hitler's case I'm understanding because he did not have access to the level of knowledge that we do about jews and he was still somewhat naive about them.
Interesting fact.
Emil Maurice had one-eighth Jewish ancestry. He didn't even fucking know that. He had one great-grandfather who was Jewish. That is very different from claiming that he was a Jew.
He was not a true token jew like that dumbass u/devotech2 said.
It's a well know Jewish tactic to make us doubt the "purity" of Hitler's racial ideas.
FYI u/Frogger69
He was too good for this cruel world...