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posted 24 days ago by _Adolf_liebt_Eva_ on (+0 / -0 / +39Score on mirror )
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HerrBBQ on
24 days ago 23 points (+0 / -0 / +23Score on mirror ) 4 children
The problem isn't that he's a quarter jew. Even Hitler tolerated quarter jew Germans. With jews being so entrenched in Europe, it's not surprising that some of them would go off reservation and interbreed with Whites, producing children who are raised as White and never consider themselves jews anyway.

The problem is that he mentioned it. Why does he feel the need to mention it. If you consider yourself White, why does having a jew grandparent matter to you? It reeks of "fellow Whites" bullshit.
part on
24 days ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 1 child
Hitler tolerated quarter jew Germans, but SS rules only tolerated max of 1/16 for officers and Secret Clearance!!
SS rules only tolerated max of 1/16 Jew blood

GenghisCohen on
23 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Its a DNA virus though. Humans are only a few % DNA away from other animals. That 1/16 contains plenty enough information to make them the monsters that they are.
MysteriousFedKnight on
24 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Nah sounds honest. Just wanted to see if it was allright.
BlackPillBot on
23 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
This was my exact thinking as soon as I read it. They just can’t help themselves.
Knight_Of_Saint_John on
23 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Its attention seeking behaviour

Like saying "i"m a faggot and i'm against the LGBT" or something along those lines

If you're not a kike, don't associate, same with fags and niggers.
LordGrimTheInvincibl on
24 days ago 15 points (+0 / -0 / +15Score on mirror ) 3 children
Interesting historical fact: The nazis did not consider quarter jews to be jewish, they only recognized half jews and full jews.

And yet (((hollywood))) wants you to believe that "Da ebil nat zees where obsezzed wif rayshal purity!!!111"
24 days ago 9 points (+0 / -0 / +9Score on mirror ) 1 child
>The nazis did not consider quarter jews to be jewish
Which was a mistake. One drop rule and all that.
Also *NSDAP/National Socialists, btw. Nazi is a perjorative term.
>Da ebil nat zees where obsezzed wif rayshal purity!!!111
Well they should have been, IMO.
LordGrimTheInvincibl on
24 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
If it makes you feel any better, the National Socialists had a special rule for joining the SS.

One of the requirements for joining the SS was having a pure Germanic ancestry that stretched all the way back to the 1700's.

So, in a way, they where obsessed with purity.
devotech2 on
24 days ago 5 points (+1 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 1 child
Emil Maurice was the odd man out. A true token jew. The dude was literally in the DAP either at the same time as or even before Hitler, was the oldest oldfag in the SA as well as founding member, and member no. 2 (ever, no. 1 was hitler) of the SS. Was with hitler literally through their entire fucking careers. From 1919 to 1945.

Almost all of his notable work was pre-war. He took a back seat during the war and was just Hitlers Chauffeur. But from just after ww1 to right before the start of ww2? Hitlers top guy. Crazy shit.
24 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 3 children
>Hitlers top guy. Crazy shit.
Truly is. I personally wouldn't have allowed that.
In Hitler's case I'm understanding because he did not have access to the level of knowledge that we do about jews and he was still somewhat naive about them.
Interesting fact.
deleted 23 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
HimmlerWasRight88 on
20 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
It's not interesting fact. It's a Jewish psyop to fuck with us.

Emil Maurice had one-eighth Jewish ancestry. He didn't even fucking know that. He had one great-grandfather who was Jewish. That is very different from claiming that he was a Jew.

He was not a true token jew like that dumbass u/devotech2 said.

It's a well know Jewish tactic to make us doubt the "purity" of Hitler's racial ideas.

FYI u/Frogger69
Frogger69 on
23 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 2 children
I love you guys. Hitler was naive about the jews.
AndurilElessar on
24 days ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 1 child
If the 1/4 jew in the post wants to acknowledge White supremacy and actively miscegenate himself out of existence.. Then, I don't see much of a problem.

The majority of jews have mostly Caucasian genetics anyways. So they would be better off, if they just stopped proclaiming they have any jewish ancestry. Obviously, many cannot hide what they are and they will always out themselves. That's fine. Makes them easier to notice.
iideathyii on
24 days ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 1 child
I am on this mindset. The blood can be breed out in 4 generations and Values can be taught and maintained. White people need to stick together and do for their fellow White people what Jews do for eachother.
Achtunger on
23 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
Bleaching doesn't work. Even if kike DNA is mostly White, you'd upset a bunch of one drop purity spiralers by letting the jews breed.

Just don't let him reproduce. If he wants to have kids, let him adopt. Racial admixture is like a genetic disorder - the cure is to not let the disease spread.
iideathyii on
23 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
I can get down with that too. I am pretty sure that was how Germany did it as well in idea anyway. They didn't really have time to implement most things. The scary part is that kike blood mixed with so many for the past 80 years, everyone needs to be tested.
GenghisCohen on
23 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
That's why they were betrayed.
ScallionPancake on
24 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
Ban him
24 days ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror )
^This. ✡Shapeshifters✡ must die.
green_man on
23 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
We have the technology to identify the kike genes that make them so vile, a genetic test could be devised to determine if someone is allowed.
TakenusernameA on
24 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Ashkenazis are pretty white-looking, but they arent actual Hebrews (unless, of course all whites are part Hebrew, which is a real possibility), theyre Slavo-Germans mixed with some sort of Negroid (likely the Canaanites, who were the original residents of the Holy Land, and probably where they got the idea they were jews from).
Roggle123 on
24 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 2 children
My test said I’m 5 ashkasi.
I hate the Antichrist.
Achtunger on
23 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
At such a low percentage, it might just be noise thrown in by (((DNA companies))) to say "nuh uh Goyim, you are not le pure aryan!"
Roggle123 on
23 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Very well could be true. Or they could just add it in so that people might be more likely to empathize with them?
Knight_Of_Saint_John on
23 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
If you're an American that's pretty common

Americans have spic and kike DNA amongst them without even knowing
LiberalAtheistBrony on
23 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Can Orange Juice be Trump's new nickname?
jukeiller on
23 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Any % of jew, is still a jew.
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