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24 days ago3 points(+1/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
*Saves* his country?! He's slowly *destroying* it at the behest of jewish masters.
All they did was swapped a blue jew puppet (Bidenowitz) with a red jew puppet (Trumpstein).
America is still ZOG'd and ruled by jews.
America isn't returned to its rightful people and owners/founders: Whites.
America is (unfortunately) still majority civic nationalism.
America still isn't a homogenous White ethnostate, as it should rightfully be.
White Americans are still being replaced with one set of shitskins (jeets/pooniggers) while "expelling" another (spics/mexicunts), albeit "legally". We're also last and basically still get no benefits or support while other races are still getting support similar to the Platinum Nigger Plan. ZOGnald Trumpstein supports *any* race but White. He can't even *say* White most of the time.
First Amendment is being further and further eroded with each "act" he takes against "antisemitism". For now, they may only be executive orders and for show, but make no mistake: He *will* attempt to ratify it into law eventually.
I'm sure u/TallestSkil could list even more than I.
In short: Fuck ZOG, fuck ZOGnald Trumpstein and his jewish masters.
While we are on the subject of this country being more and more subverted from what it was meant to be, may I give my two cents on something somewhat off topic?
I am rather annoyed to see many people smearing the founding fathers as lolbergtarians.
They where not lolbergs. Here is why.
The beliefs of the founders of this country varied from one to the other, but they all believed that power should concentrated in the hands of White male landowners, who where the only ones able to vote, as opposed to monarch rule or pure mob rule.
Plus, the founders where slavers.
Plus, george washington fired cannons at farmers who where getting rowdy over taxes.
Plus, John Adams and Alexander Hamilton where advocates for heavy handed law.
The only thing the founding fathers have in common with lolbergs is what is written in the bill off rights, such as separation of church and state and whatnot.
So that is why I am tired of seeing people erroneously call the founders lolbergs.
All they did was swapped a blue jew puppet (Bidenowitz) with a red jew puppet (Trumpstein).
America is still ZOG'd and ruled by jews.
America isn't returned to its rightful people and owners/founders: Whites.
America is (unfortunately) still majority civic nationalism.
America still isn't a homogenous White ethnostate, as it should rightfully be.
White Americans are still being replaced with one set of shitskins (jeets/pooniggers) while "expelling" another (spics/mexicunts), albeit "legally". We're also last and basically still get no benefits or support while other races are still getting support similar to the Platinum Nigger Plan. ZOGnald Trumpstein supports *any* race but White. He can't even *say* White most of the time.
First Amendment is being further and further eroded with each "act" he takes against "antisemitism". For now, they may only be executive orders and for show, but make no mistake: He *will* attempt to ratify it into law eventually.
I'm sure u/TallestSkil could list even more than I.
In short: Fuck ZOG, fuck ZOGnald Trumpstein and his jewish masters.
I am rather annoyed to see many people smearing the founding fathers as lolbergtarians.
They where not lolbergs. Here is why.
The beliefs of the founders of this country varied from one to the other, but they all believed that power should concentrated in the hands of White male landowners, who where the only ones able to vote, as opposed to monarch rule or pure mob rule.
Plus, the founders where slavers.
Plus, george washington fired cannons at farmers who where getting rowdy over taxes.
Plus, John Adams and Alexander Hamilton where advocates for heavy handed law.
The only thing the founding fathers have in common with lolbergs is what is written in the bill off rights, such as separation of church and state and whatnot.
So that is why I am tired of seeing people erroneously call the founders lolbergs.
Sorry for the tangent.
"Stop right there, evildoer!!! You have broken the law!!!"
"Separation of Church and State" is jewry ... it's not statutory law, it's case law.