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PurestEvil on
27 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 1 child
Yep. That would also explain it, and make the plan quite feasible. If they are friends, they could play the game that the dump owner just happens to consider selling it to someone else, but "only" for $100M or less. And some rich idiot could show up and really buy it.

And then they can laugh about how they sold literal garbage for $100M as a scam.
Brannvesen on
26 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
The story is very old too, I remember first hearing it back in 2012 when Bitcoin had only been around for a few years, and the market value were no more than a couple of hundred bucks.

Already back then this mysterious man who for some reason threw away his PC with the only backup of his wallet, wanted to search for it at the dump.

Heck this story likely has several copycats too because the original I think was somewhere in England, but there's been similar stories in several other countries too. Dump owners will try anything to sell their worthless land before the government shows up and force them to clean up the pollution.
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