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Messianic Jews? ( ✝️ JESUS ✝️
posted 27 days ago by DeplorableGerman on (+0 / -1 / +12Score on mirror )
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JesusSupporter33 on
27 days ago 7 points (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror )
It's a front for either Zionism or Judaization.
LordGrimTheInvincibl on
26 days ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 1 child
False jews and false Christians who want to larp and be centrists.

There is no centrism to any God.

Attempting to be an in between for two religions is apostate freemason diabolical nonsense.

Messianic jews may not be ethnic kikes, and/or they may claim to believe in Jesus, but in the end...

They spend their whole lives trying to fool God, but in the end, God will cast them down to hell, regardless of which type of god is the real one.

All gods hate fence sitters.
DeplorableGerman on
26 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
They sound like hype guys for the kikocracy. "It ain't bad, goys, look at us, we too like Yehusha! *sniff* anyone else smell boiling shit?"
TakenusernameA on
26 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
Judaized protestants who want to LARP as Talmudists instead of converting to the Catholic Church.
DeplorableGerman on
26 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Understood. Avoid avoid avoid.
Vlad_The_Impaler on
26 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Brother Nathaniel is a creep
DeplorableGerman on
26 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Why are they like this
DeplorableGerman on
27 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Ihatetheanti-Christ on
27 days ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 2 children
The only good jew is a dead jew
DeplorableGerman on
27 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
Hear hear! Should burn the TalSMUT while we are at it.
27 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
27 days ago 0 points (+1 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
It's your good ol' Uncle Noticer here with a reminder that u/DeplorableGerman is a shapeshifting half-jeet Kalergi Plan mongrel who's previously disparaged Hitler and the National Socialists (check his post history):
No more jeets in our streets. Yeet the jeets.
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