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Growing up there was this transient around who insisted that mankind has magical capabilities but they are being suppressed by unnatural levels of EMR via radio and TV towers.

I laughed at him, as did everyone else.. but it did make me wonder.

Regardless of time or location there are stories of wizards and magicians. Has man been duped by a special class of imposter since the dawn of writing, or does magic actually exist? The mysteries of our world seem to have all vanished by the middle of the last century. Magicians were ousted as being mere illusionists, the rumors of nocturnal Injun tribes roaming the west were finally put to sleep, monsters ceased to exist, etc etc etc.

Was man just stupid and superstitious or did something actually change?
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DoomersLadder on
26 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Magic does exist. It the manipulation of the world around us, above us and below us. We didn't create it so we don't know the full extent.

There are entities out there with much more power than us so it's wise to not summon any with the intent to do our bidding otherwise one my incur a fate worse than death.
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