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I've been wanting to bring the Weekly Threads back for some time, we haven't had one in over two years at this point, almost three, and that really felt like the beginning of the end. So, I suppose here they are again, albeit unofficially.

# This Week's Discussion Theme: Consoom USAID

Federal aid to foreign countries has been mostly stopped, and thanks to DOGE we now know where this money has been going. From what I've seen, support for ending USAID has been nearly across the board positive, but let's hear what you have to say, the finer details. Remember to be civil and respectful, this is discussion, not a flame war.

Discussion ideas:

- What are some of the negative consequences cutting USAID money may have? Yes, getting our tax dollars out of the Congo seems smart, but could it backfire?

- What do you think or hope will happen as a result of the money returning back to America? Will it benefit you, will it pay off the elite, will they find another way to funnel cash to Israel?

- What are some things that you suspect USAID funded, that's only obvious now? The porn spam on 4chan has apparently stopped, and a lot of ConPro has up and vanished.

If you want, you can put an idea for next week's discussion in the comments.
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JesusSupporter33 on
8 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Do you really think that a faction as privileged and egotistical as the "elite" jews can remain as a unanimous entity without any infighting? Marxism was a revolution in the jewry before it was an external political position. The capitalist jews are not Marxist. They enjoy their opulent position at the top of national states and the fruit of *our* labor via the means they have always achieved it. The large reason they funded Bolshevism is because of their "us vs them" mentality, it is not because they are in absolute agreement.

We are dealing with a wide collection of belligerent sinners, each of which believing himself or herself to literally be a god. The destruction of the jewry *will* come from within it, as it always has.
TallestSkil on
8 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 2 children
>Do you really think that a faction as privileged and egotistical as the "elite" jews can remain as a unanimous entity without any infighting?

No, certainly. But *the jews?* Yes. History has proven that.

>The capitalist jews are not Marxist.

Of course they are. Communism *is for the proletariat.* The oligarchy that rules in communism is never communist. And the jews are the oligarchy. Their holy book says so.

>It is intriguing to know that when Karl Marx died, he received the religious funerary honors of a great rabbi. In the First International Communist gathering, Karl Marx took the floor and said, “Gentlemen, I am not Marxist.” There was surprise among the audience, loud shouts, and from there many political sects were born, namely, Bolsheviks, Mencheviks, Anarchists, Anarchist-Unionist, etc. It is therefore quite interesting to know that the first enemy of Marxism was Karl Marx. In a magazine from Paris, one can read the following:

>“By means of the triumphant worldly proletariat, we will create the Universal Soviet Socialist Republic with its capital in Jerusalem. In this way we will take possession of the wealth of all nations. This is how the prophecies of our holy prophets of Talmud will be fulfilled.”

>Indeed, these were not phrases uttered by a materialist nor by an atheist, but by Marx, a Jewish religious fanatic. Understand, I am not criticizing political matters through this lecture. I am emphatically and essentially addressing occult matters. Indeed, Karl Marx, moved by religious fanaticism, invented a destructive weapon in order to reduce all religions of the world to cosmic dust. That weapon is without a doubt a ‘jargon’ that can never withstand an in-depth analysis. By ‘jargon’ I refer to the dialectical materialism.

>The intellectual loafers know very well that Karl Marx manipulated Hegel’s “metaphysical dialectic” in order to elaborate that deceptive “dialectical materialism.” Evidently, Karl Marx took from Hegel’s work all the metaphysical principles that Hegel gave to his work, and with the leftovers Karl Marx elaborated his deceptive dish. Thus, it is not irrelevant to repeat in this lecture that Marx, as the author of such a lie, of such a farce, of such Communistic dialectic, never believed in it, and therefore he did not have any inconvenience in confessing his feelings in the heat of the assembly when saying, “Gentlemen, I am not Marxist.”

>Undoubtedly, this gentleman fulfilled one of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion that literally states, “When we come into our kingdom it will be undesirable for us that there should exist any other religion… We must therefore sweep away all other forms of religion. It does not matter if for our means, we have to fill the world with materialism and repugnant atheism, since the day we become triumphant, we will universally preach the religion of Moses that, by its codified and thoroughly dialectical system will bring all the peoples of the world into subjection to us.”

>Concerning this, I am not condemning any race in particular. I am frankly addressing some Semitic personages with Machiavellian plans. They are Marx, Lenin, Stalin, etc. Sequentially, from a rigorously occultist point of view, I could evince that the cited fallen Bodhisattva struggled in his own way on behalf of divinity, using for his means a cunning weapon in order to destroy the other religions. Marx was a priest, a rabbi from the Jewish religion, a faithful devotee of the doctrine of his ancestors. Indeed, what is astounding is the credulity of the fools who–believing themselves to be erudite–fall into the skeptical snare set by Karl Marx. These naive people from the Marxist-Leninist dialectical materialism obviously become violent against divinity. Thus, for such a reason they enter into the seventh Dantesque circle. **~ Samael Aun Weor**

>The destruction of the jewry will come from within it, as it always has.

Maybe not this time.
JesusSupporter33 on
8 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Yes, it's known that Marx was an avid proponent of "Hebrew Nationalism."

>we will universally preach the religion of Moses that, by its codified and thoroughly dialectical system will bring all the peoples of the world into subjection to us.

Moses Hess wrote an entire book on this.

We know that Marxism is a front for jewish imperialism but I refuse to believe they haven't "drank too much of their own coolaid" in the past 150 years, or are otherwise immune to the typical follies of man. If that is the case then maybe these wretched people are of divinity since they can't be driven into destruction by the snares of sin.. Something I don't believe for a single moment.

There has never been an empire which outlasted decadence. The antagonist of the sinner is the sin and the destroyer of a successful people is the success itself. Eventually judea will fall, the only question for me is how much damage they will do to society/ traditions/ culture/ genome/ etc before this happens.
TallestSkil on
7 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
They have nukes, so they’ll be destroying every major city on Earth if they ever “fall.” That’s how much.
systemthrowaway on
8 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
What book is this from?
TallestSkil on
7 days ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
*[Hell, The Devil, & Karma](*
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