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Hello, fellow consumers,

I've been wanting to bring the Weekly Threads back for some time, we haven't had one in over two years at this point, almost three, and that really felt like the beginning of the end. So, I suppose here they are again, albeit unofficially.

# This Week's Discussion Theme: Consoom USAID

Federal aid to foreign countries has been mostly stopped, and thanks to DOGE we now know where this money has been going. From what I've seen, support for ending USAID has been nearly across the board positive, but let's hear what you have to say, the finer details. Remember to be civil and respectful, this is discussion, not a flame war.

Discussion ideas:

- What are some of the negative consequences cutting USAID money may have? Yes, getting our tax dollars out of the Congo seems smart, but could it backfire?

- What do you think or hope will happen as a result of the money returning back to America? Will it benefit you, will it pay off the elite, will they find another way to funnel cash to Israel?

- What are some things that you suspect USAID funded, that's only obvious now? The porn spam on 4chan has apparently stopped, and a lot of ConPro has up and vanished.

If you want, you can put an idea for next week's discussion in the comments.
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steele2 on
8 days ago 10 points (+0 / -0 / +10Score on mirror ) 1 child
>What are some of the negative consequences cutting USAID money may have?

About 1% of it was spent for actual foreign humanitarian projects, probably largely as a cover.

This isn't really a negative because most of that drop-in-the-ocean humanitarian aid went to shitskins.

>What do you think or hope will happen as a result of the money returning back to America?

President Trump just fired over 1/4 million federal employees, mostly probational staff.

Based on his actions (rather than fantasies about imaginary problems), Trump seems to be trying to cut waste and reduce the size of the government.

I'd like to see the government reduced to 1/10th it's size.

>What are some things that you suspect USAID funded

We know it was funding jew fake news and jew White genocide narratives in many countries.

USAID was a scam bigger than the annual budgets of the CIA and the State Department combined (over $80 billion): I can't imagine how much of the world's news agencies were being bribed by the kikes with that sort of money.

We know it was used to fund Trump's first term impeachments.
PurestEvil on
8 days ago 9 points (+1 / -0 / +8Score on mirror ) 1 child
> I can't imagine how much of the world's news agencies were being bribed by the kikes with that sort of money.

Bribed? Financed. They were clearly in line with each other.

> I'd like to see the government reduced to 1/10th it's size.

Won't happen with Trump, and as long as jews are in charge. They will NEVER allow the immense stream of money that is taxes run dry. Think of it this way:

Imagine 20% (or any fraction) of all taxes spent is pocketed by jews and their ZOG shabbos goys. If they manage to increase spending, it requires an increase of taxes, and they have a personal incentive to maximize both. So if they manage to spend +1000 million dollars for whatever, it means 800 millions actually arrive for that program's purpose, and they pocket in 200 million, shared between the jewish vultures *somehow*.

I assume it's way more than 20%. But it's clear that the jew does NOT want to have the government size, thus taxes and spending to be decreased.

What Trump currently does is a necessary concession the jews have agreed to. They *let* Zionald win this time, because he proved to be an obedient minion who even rugpulled his own voters via meme coins and NFTs. But he will never go against the high-level jews, or interfere with the central banking system.
steele2 on
8 days ago 3 points (+0 / -1 / +4Score on mirror ) 2 children
>They will NEVER allow the immense stream of money that is taxes run dry

You mean like how Trump killed their $80 billion a year USAID scam?

Like that?

You think Trump's "jew masters" approved that? And the firing of over 1/4 million federal employees? And the end of government EDI? And the end of government funded troon bullshit?
PurestEvil on
8 days ago 6 points (+1 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 1 child
> What Trump currently does is a necessary concession the jews have agreed to.

It's not even 2 steps forward, 1 step backward, as the Soviets formerly said, it's rather 100 steps forward, 1 step backward.
steele2 on
8 days ago -1 points (+0 / -1 ) 1 child
I never said that, you did.

You are replying and agreeing to something you said that has nothing to do with my rebuttal which came afterwards.

Rather than responding to my rebuttal, you chose to talk to yourself.
PurestEvil on
8 days ago 3 points (+1 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
I quoted myself, because apparently you didn't finish reading my first comment. And then I added a comment to further elaborate on that, but I see that short-wired your circuits.

> that has nothing to do with my rebuttal

I literally addressed it before you even replied. USAID was something they were willing to sacrifice. So:

> You think Trump's "jew masters" approved that?

Yes. They approved it a long time ago, possibly even brought it up themselves.
TallestSkil on
8 days ago 4 points (+1 / -0 / +3Score on mirror ) 2 children
Yep, the thing he didn’t do. Correct.
TacosForTrump on
7 days ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Do you at all think that the purge is the Zionists taking out the Bolshevik jews?
TallestSkil on
7 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 2 children
I’ve never understood why people think jews oppose themselves. Is it *solely* because Winston “the drunkard owned by jews his entire life “ Churchill wrote an article with that title? Jews have always pretended to have civil wars to trick the goyim into picking a side, then leading them to slaughter. There *is* no conflict between zionist and communist jews. The Torah explicitly says all countries will be destroyed (communism) except for Israel (zionism), where all jews on Earth will live (zionism) and from there will rule as an oligarchy over the rest of the world (communism)—the billions of racially mongrelized slaves (communism) whose sole purpose is to produce so jews can consume (zionism).

They’ve tricked people in history (Hanukkah, Esther, Byzantine-Sassanid War, War of the 6th Coalition, WWII) merely because those people didn’t read the Bible. That’s literally all you have to do. Then you go, “Oh, afterward they just came back together as a society afterward and the only thing that happened was dead gentiles…”

Check the racial proportion of the people being “fired” and I think you’ll be unpleasantly surprised.
steele2 on
8 days ago -4 points (+0 / -2 / -2Score on mirror ) 3 children
Is PurestEvil another one of your many vote-manipulation alts?

You have so many vote-manipulation alts that it's impossible to keep track of them all.
TallestSkil on
7 days ago 3 points (+2 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 2 children
You rape so many women, it’s impossible for you to know all their names.

Oh, sorry, I thought we were having a lying competition. You literally have an entire board for your ZOG Emperor worship. We don’t allow it here. Kill yourself.
7 days ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 1 child
You hear that u/PurestEvil? You're now a new u/TallestSkil "alt" alongside me.
7 days ago 0 points (+1 / -0 / -1Score on mirror ) 1 child
You're such a fucking kike-subversive.
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