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RJ567 on
27 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child

Hunter is now under investigation (likely will be put under trial eventually) by his church (Associate Reformed Presbyterian, which was supposed to be very conservative, they do not allow women to be ordained in any position, against homosexuality/abortion, etc..) for his views.

Looks like the line in the sand for most of these churches is refusing to elevate blacks and jews.

Here he gives his answers to the committee about his views on race, slavery, and the jq:

"For anyone interested, here are the questions that the Minister and His Works Committee of Grace Presbytery (ARPC) asked me and my fellow minister during their investigation, along with my responses. No charges have been recommended based on these responses. This should be instructional for a variety of reasons, some of which I may highlight in the future."
Erase99 on
27 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
American Christianity is liberalized and judaized. He has no chance. These liberal "Christians" are hypocrites and would never put a race-conscious jew or black under this sort of scrutiny.
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