27 days ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)1 child
1. this is a false premise. there's no proof of any kind that being gay and retarded is profitable, but there's lots of anecdotal proof that it in fact hurts profits, which at least heavily suggests that it is as something pushed onto Whites, not something wanted by them. in my opinion, it confirms it. "get woke go broke", anyone?
2. even if the premise were true, it doesn't hold water when you try to extend it to some metaphysical comment about how goat-fucking shitskins are better than Whites. at the shitskins' best today, after having access to trillions in our money through trade and aid and technology exchanges, they're still the same backwards tribal people, while we, at our very worst after a century of brainwashing, remain an overall respectable, dignified people once you look past the propaganda on the internet.
i suggest you unfuck yourself and your messaging, LordGrim. we don't need people going around trying to convince each other Whites aren't worth saving, even as a cretinous joke about videogames. you can't risk your immaturity genuinely causing people to lose faith.
27 days ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)1 child
You are straw manning me. I never said whites are not worth saving.
It is a well known fact that the west is more receptive to sodomy than anywhere else.
"Go woke go broke"
Didnt that movie about (((Oppenheimer))) sell extremely well? I personally didnt watch it, but it was shoved down my throat with advertisements regardless. Goyim in the west have been brainwashed to worship kikes instead of God. They are apostate scum, the minions of diabolical free masons.
Companies want to make money. They do nothing if they believe it will not give them a profit. If they push for something, it means they believe it will give them more sails.
You need to educate yourself about how capitalism works.
> You are straw manning me. I never said whites are not worth saving.
the very purpose of your post, title, and reply is to suggest that arabs are better than Whites, according to a false premise you set that Whites love sodomy and buy lots of it (while arabs do the opposite).
to that i either say: go live in saudi arabia and let me know if it works out for you, or i say what i've already said: you need to stop yourself from attacking your own needlessly with unnecessary, false idiocies.
> You need to educate yourself about how capitalism works.
capitalism stops existing when there's a jew printing money to pay people to make propaganda with. you should know this.
The companies need to look trendy in order to make money.
The fact that putting up sodomite symbols is profitable to them implies that Westerners are ok with enabling sin.
That is why the companies in those other countries are not like that.
2. even if the premise were true, it doesn't hold water when you try to extend it to some metaphysical comment about how goat-fucking shitskins are better than Whites. at the shitskins' best today, after having access to trillions in our money through trade and aid and technology exchanges, they're still the same backwards tribal people, while we, at our very worst after a century of brainwashing, remain an overall respectable, dignified people once you look past the propaganda on the internet.
i suggest you unfuck yourself and your messaging, LordGrim. we don't need people going around trying to convince each other Whites aren't worth saving, even as a cretinous joke about videogames. you can't risk your immaturity genuinely causing people to lose faith.
It is a well known fact that the west is more receptive to sodomy than anywhere else.
"Go woke go broke"
Didnt that movie about (((Oppenheimer))) sell extremely well? I personally didnt watch it, but it was shoved down my throat with advertisements regardless. Goyim in the west have been brainwashed to worship kikes instead of God. They are apostate scum, the minions of diabolical free masons.
Companies want to make money. They do nothing if they believe it will not give them a profit. If they push for something, it means they believe it will give them more sails.
You need to educate yourself about how capitalism works.
the very purpose of your post, title, and reply is to suggest that arabs are better than Whites, according to a false premise you set that Whites love sodomy and buy lots of it (while arabs do the opposite).
to that i either say: go live in saudi arabia and let me know if it works out for you, or i say what i've already said: you need to stop yourself from attacking your own needlessly with unnecessary, false idiocies.
> You need to educate yourself about how capitalism works.
capitalism stops existing when there's a jew printing money to pay people to make propaganda with. you should know this.