Post date though, 2012. Pre-Gamergate and at the height of King Nigger worship after his re-election, with OWS being the first truly effective psy-op (I think this was also the same year the Chic-Fil-A bullshit occurred). If he wasn't at least a lolberg 4 years after that post, he was never going to go to our side. But if he was noticing cultmarxism long before many people were awakened, there was hope for this faggot just yet.
a true believer. they have always made the best dupes. "leftists" or any other kind. you don't even have to pay them, just point them in the general direction.
I imagine some money was funneled into the right kind of people to derail Occupy. It wouldn't be hard. Banks and jews have plenty of money. Not that Occupy was ever going to achieve anything. bunch of kids who wanted their uni loans paid off.
28 days ago11 points(+0/-0/+11Score on mirror)1 child
I had leftists friends who were like that. However, if the issue of race was ever brought up, it was a hill they were willing to die on. Every. Single. Time.
28 days ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)1 child
Meh. Plenty on the right fall for jewish D&C shilling (Atheism vs Christianity, Man vs Woman, North vs South, which Europeans are not White, etc). Most people can not put their pettiness aside for the greater good.
28 days ago5 points(+0/-0/+5Score on mirror)1 child
I still think that OWS hit a little too close to home for the (((1%))) because it seems like the fall of OWS coincided with the rise of BS terms like "White privilege" and "systemic racism".
Indeed someone years ago posted a chart that basically showed how the pro faggot/tranny/freak shit started right after Occupy. It terrified joo rats so much they unleashed that chaos on us.
Like the absolute morons you will see today wearing a mask, these idiot true believers will cling to their delusions until death.
The damage has been done. You can't undo the damage because much of it is permanent. They will forever see the world through the lens that their masters trained them on and stand in the way of productive sanity for the rest of their lives. The overlords created a monster to do their bidding and now can't make it go away.
28 days ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)1 child
I once started a business resource group at a large company back when I cared about being the best employee. I created it to make the internal culture equal across vastly different department cultures through employee engagement.
One of the things I was tasked with by the VP was hosting a bring your child to work day. I assembled a team and got to work with strategy and game planning...
So I fucking gave up out of extreme frustration. The name was changed to "bring a child to work day". Which turned into an absolute meme fest shit show of people asking if they could just grab a kid of the street and shit. So i quit my own business resource group that I founded because women don't know how to work or build things.
Not sure if I believe this or not. OWS occurred in 2011. While that year isn't exactly a poster child for normalcy, it was quite different than the degeneracy we have today. OWS targeted the uber rich and bankers. That's a no go and the immediate response is to subvert and destroy anyone who dare do so. OWS didn't last long.
Notice the anon couches the anti-OWS comment with terms and views acceptable to the forum he's using (4chan). Shills have done this for a long time, and still do so. They do it on ConPro all the time, too, it's just that the mods ban many of them. They're the "I'm a heckin Nazi, too, fellow goyim" accounts. They say a few based things to infiltrate, and then try to slip in subversion.