28 days ago4 points(+0/-0/+4Score on mirror)2 children
We need to have much more of what I call niggerbrain.
We have thought ourselves into apathy. The white man sees consequences and cares for others. He has responsibilities and obligations and desires. He fears loss. He contemplates all of these things in a situation.
"I want to stand up but what will happen to my family?"
"I don't like this, but what can I do to stop it without losing my ability to be free or alive?"
"Is there another option? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I need to learn more."
Niggers EXCEL at ACTION. They aren't burdened by any of this, and we didn't used to be. We had these thoughts, which is why white men have been slow to anger forever, but they were tempered by smaller controlling forces, localized controlling forces, and stronger community ties.
Niggers ACT. They want something? They take it. Niggers FEEL. They mad? They attack. They afraid? They run away. They feel? They do. Consequences are for future nigger to deal with. Right NOW nigger is the only one that matters. This is why they can't be controlled.
We need NIGGERBRAIN if we are ever going to win back our freedoms and cultures and homelands. We need to stop thinking of the consequences and start FEELING ANGRY and START ACTING. Until we do, we are doomed.
See this is when you accept the money, then lock the motherfucker down at every exit with chains at 2:30 am once they’re all settled, and 🔥 in Minecraft. Then you dole put the money to the community you protected.
We have thought ourselves into apathy. The white man sees consequences and cares for others. He has responsibilities and obligations and desires. He fears loss. He contemplates all of these things in a situation.
"I want to stand up but what will happen to my family?"
"I don't like this, but what can I do to stop it without losing my ability to be free or alive?"
"Is there another option? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I need to learn more."
Niggers EXCEL at ACTION. They aren't burdened by any of this, and we didn't used to be. We had these thoughts, which is why white men have been slow to anger forever, but they were tempered by smaller controlling forces, localized controlling forces, and stronger community ties.
Niggers ACT. They want something? They take it. Niggers FEEL. They mad? They attack. They afraid? They run away. They feel? They do. Consequences are for future nigger to deal with. Right NOW nigger is the only one that matters. This is why they can't be controlled.
We need NIGGERBRAIN if we are ever going to win back our freedoms and cultures and homelands. We need to stop thinking of the consequences and start FEELING ANGRY and START ACTING. Until we do, we are doomed.