[The news has consistently reported that she was a commoner](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/princess-kate-years-commoner-future-121756433.html), but then, that makes for a better story doesn't it?
It might be a stretch to call her a commoner, but the family wasn't exactly noble. Noble-adjacent, sure, upper middle class, sure, but from where Kate was to where she is now was a pretty enormous leap.
[The news has consistently reported that she was a commoner](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/princess-kate-years-commoner-future-121756433.html), but then, that makes for a better story doesn't it?
It might be a stretch to call her a commoner, but the family wasn't exactly noble. Noble-adjacent, sure, upper middle class, sure, but from where Kate was to where she is now was a pretty enormous leap.