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whatlike_withacloth on
9 days ago0 points(+0/-0)
>To lie to people blatantly without even having to bother with fabricating a source. Full information control and implementation of right think.
I've been caught in this before. I'll say something, and the NPC says "Google says nuh uh! See?" It's actually maddening because you pull up a source, then cite irrefutable evidence that you know better than Google, and often still they won't acquiesce.
It's how I sorted out a lot of my friends who were lost to the woke cult. I would say something seemingly mundane (like, idk, "Trump didn't actually tell anyone to inject bleach") and... well, it goes about how I described. And that's not even getting into the whole "men and women are actually different" thing. Fuckin sucked - lost a lot of friends over shit like that.
I've been caught in this before. I'll say something, and the NPC says "Google says nuh uh! See?" It's actually maddening because you pull up a source, then cite irrefutable evidence that you know better than Google, and often still they won't acquiesce.
It's how I sorted out a lot of my friends who were lost to the woke cult. I would say something seemingly mundane (like, idk, "Trump didn't actually tell anyone to inject bleach") and... well, it goes about how I described. And that's not even getting into the whole "men and women are actually different" thing. Fuckin sucked - lost a lot of friends over shit like that.