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Groomer website (
posted 1 month ago by rattleS on (+0 / -0 / +35Score on mirror )
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Butttoucha9k on
1 month ago 14 points (+0 / -0 / +14Score on mirror ) 1 child
Ah yes. Take advice from a tranny called "lilcokebrat" on a grooming website, child. Nothing to see here.
rattleS on
1 month ago 7 points (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror )
Preddit must be put down
Knight_Of_Saint_John on
1 month ago 13 points (+0 / -0 / +13Score on mirror ) 1 child
These faggots are not real
Blackpete on
1 month ago 11 points (+0 / -0 / +11Score on mirror ) 1 child
This is how they reproduce. They can’t reproduce naturally because because they are first, faggots, and next they cut off their genitals, so they can only add to their numbers by infecting young vulnerable children to their degeneracy
LordGrimTheInvincibl on
1 month ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror )
Getting a vasectomy is the straight version of becoming trans.
Byzantine_Shill on
1 month ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror ) 1 child
Parents’ share some blame for letting their child on the internet unsupervised. Groomers couldn’t do anything to your child if you’d stop letting your child talk to anonymous strangers unsupervised.

Anyways, the sheriff in lilcokebrat’s county should bring back public hanging. Until then:
LordGrimTheInvincibl on
1 month ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Does it count as grooming if they never attempt to meet in real life?

Sorry, but, by definition...
Byzantine_Shill on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
In my state it doesn’t matter because its illegal online and in real life. Simply grooming a child over the internet is a crime. They arrest police and coaches for this all the time. Assumed it was the same in most other states.

KyleIsThisTall on
1 month ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror )
>Tell her she's wrong

lie by denying reality

>demand that she let you do whatever you want even if it is dangerous to your health

I bet they tell the same to addicts mainlining meth & fent.

>"It's my hot body! I do what I want!~ Whatever!!!


>Forcing a kid through the wrong puberty

Again, denial of reality. Furthermore, hormone poisoning halts puberty, and this boy has already started it, so he'll look like a disfigured freak if he starts poisoning himself with hormone

>traumatic and child abuse

No, that's the grooming you are perpetrating right now. pills.

>i want nothing to do

No, you are sad and lonely and that's why you try to indoctrinate others into your cult by convincing them to be sad and lonely as well.
RealWildRanter on
1 month ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror )
systemthrowaway on
1 month ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
Reminder that reddit is a literal MOSSAD operation
LordGrimTheInvincibl on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Consoom chemicals.

This is similar stuff keffals and/or its boyfriend did, sending chemicals to kids without their parents consent.

Oh well, all of these are possibly bots anyway.
Hanspasstherope on
30 days ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror ) 1 child
15 is hardly a child, he should know how retarded it is to become a tranny. My guess is, he's an ugly and/or short manlet who can't get any and knows being a troon will get a him a sweet diversity point and make his life easier for dating ugly virtue signalling women and diversity hire jobs.

I'm aware boys go through puberty later, so 15 boy is is closer to a 13 year old girl, but my point stands.
rattleS on
30 days ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
15 was a child 3 years ago. 3 years is fucking nothing.
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