1 month ago6 points(+0/-0/+6Score on mirror)1 child
If you believe it is a conspiracy, the information is long ago wiped. If you believe it is not, then the investigation would have been more public a lot sooner. Any thing that happens 70 years later is about social engineering, period
>If you believe it is a conspiracy, the information is long ago wiped.
"If you believe it is a conspiracy, ***you will insist*** the information is long ago wiped".
That's important because it doesn't matter what files say, what evidence there is. It's why I'm so critical of conspiracy bullshit... has there ever even been one single time any given 'conspiracy theorist' has actually analyzed a conspiracy they themselves believe, and then concluded the conspiracy theory was probably bullshit, and the evidence actually does point towards the 'official story' being true?
I mean, keep in mind this isn't a high bar to clear considering people actually fell for 'space lasers blew up a little town in Hawaii because Oprah wanted a better view of the ocean'.
The people who believe conspiracy are never going to believe anything. It doesn't fucking matter to them. They literally formulate retarded religious-like beliefs spun from absolute fucking fabrications invented in their imagination. Go ask ANYBODY who talks about HAARP as weather control to provide you the evidence, no matter how slim, connecting HAARP to weather control. They will not - they will babble some fucking shit about cloud seeding. They can't give you evidence, because the HAARP conspiracy was literally invented by Michel Chossudovsky **TO SELL A BOOK.**
*And if it didn't require any fucking evidence for them to permanently believe something, why would you think any amount of evidence would dissuade them?*
Nobody asking for the declassification of these events wants to hear **THE** truth. They want to hear **THEIR** truth. Does that sound familiar? "Our truth"? It's the same faggot ass retard bullshit shitlibs say when they want to invent their own fictional narratives.
Do you think if the FBI, under Kash Patel, came out and said Patriot Front is not and has never been a federal false-flag operation, that the MAGA fags would believe it?
They wouldn't, they'd just make up a new retarded fucking narrative about how it was a 'splinter group' inside the FBI, because they *only like to hear that they're correct, and are incapable of admitting they're wrong*.
Because 'conservatives', fascists, NatSoc, MAGA, etc. are actually no different mentally. You all are just as capable of being duped and fooled as anyone else. MKULTRA works on you too.
Like literally half the fucking Twitter posts on this site (not this forum, but the entire Communities.win site, including T_D) are outright fabrications. Remember that fucking niggerfaggot Tony Seruga with his 'MUH DATA PARTNERS ARE TRACKING 50,000 ANTIFA ARE ABOUT TO ATTACK THE DNC' and it was like two dozen fat queers waving a Palestine flag outside?
"If you believe it is a conspiracy, ***you will insist*** the information is long ago wiped".
That's important because it doesn't matter what files say, what evidence there is. It's why I'm so critical of conspiracy bullshit... has there ever even been one single time any given 'conspiracy theorist' has actually analyzed a conspiracy they themselves believe, and then concluded the conspiracy theory was probably bullshit, and the evidence actually does point towards the 'official story' being true?
I mean, keep in mind this isn't a high bar to clear considering people actually fell for 'space lasers blew up a little town in Hawaii because Oprah wanted a better view of the ocean'.
The people who believe conspiracy are never going to believe anything. It doesn't fucking matter to them. They literally formulate retarded religious-like beliefs spun from absolute fucking fabrications invented in their imagination. Go ask ANYBODY who talks about HAARP as weather control to provide you the evidence, no matter how slim, connecting HAARP to weather control. They will not - they will babble some fucking shit about cloud seeding. They can't give you evidence, because the HAARP conspiracy was literally invented by Michel Chossudovsky **TO SELL A BOOK.**
*And if it didn't require any fucking evidence for them to permanently believe something, why would you think any amount of evidence would dissuade them?*
Nobody asking for the declassification of these events wants to hear **THE** truth. They want to hear **THEIR** truth. Does that sound familiar? "Our truth"? It's the same faggot ass retard bullshit shitlibs say when they want to invent their own fictional narratives.
Do you think if the FBI, under Kash Patel, came out and said Patriot Front is not and has never been a federal false-flag operation, that the MAGA fags would believe it?
They wouldn't, they'd just make up a new retarded fucking narrative about how it was a 'splinter group' inside the FBI, because they *only like to hear that they're correct, and are incapable of admitting they're wrong*.
Because 'conservatives', fascists, NatSoc, MAGA, etc. are actually no different mentally. You all are just as capable of being duped and fooled as anyone else. MKULTRA works on you too.
Like literally half the fucking Twitter posts on this site (not this forum, but the entire Communities.win site, including T_D) are outright fabrications. Remember that fucking niggerfaggot Tony Seruga with his 'MUH DATA PARTNERS ARE TRACKING 50,000 ANTIFA ARE ABOUT TO ATTACK THE DNC' and it was like two dozen fat queers waving a Palestine flag outside?