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Vlad_The_Impaler on
1 month ago4 points(+0/-0/+4Score on mirror)
All Whites should shut down anything anti-White
Oh wait, MAGAtards are cucks who grovel to Israel but hate globalists. They love Clark Kent but hate superman.
Fraud Christian Conservatives who are really just judaist jew worshipers or synagogue of satan kikes themselves, namely u//hocuspocusfocusjeep and u/danneskjold and u/Hippopoonis only utilize censorship to protect their precious satanic racist genocidal thieving greedy Christ-hating jews. You're allowed to criticize jews as long as you call them (((globalists))) and not jews. But the problem with these gatekeeping frauds who should have all moderator privileges revoked and stand trial for treason against the White race, is that these fraud moderators do not want the common White Christian man to know that globalism is really just international-jewry. It's even obvious at this point, yet these petty faggot moderators still uphold bans, such as the one against me, from three years ago when it was OBVIOUS to any thinking man that Biden was filling his cabinet up with hostile, satanic, racist jews.
And now that Trump's executive orders are getting blocked by judges tied to jewry, they want to pretend all over again that they see no jews, hear no jews, speak no jews.
Imagine if I got to punch these faggot moderators in their faces and then, instead of blaming Vlad the impaler, they just blamed their imaginary faceless nameless globalists? LOL There'd be no consequences for the villain actually punching them in their faces.
Oh wait, MAGAtards are cucks who grovel to Israel but hate globalists. They love Clark Kent but hate superman.
Fraud Christian Conservatives who are really just judaist jew worshipers or synagogue of satan kikes themselves, namely u//hocuspocusfocusjeep and u/danneskjold and u/Hippopoonis only utilize censorship to protect their precious satanic racist genocidal thieving greedy Christ-hating jews. You're allowed to criticize jews as long as you call them (((globalists))) and not jews. But the problem with these gatekeeping frauds who should have all moderator privileges revoked and stand trial for treason against the White race, is that these fraud moderators do not want the common White Christian man to know that globalism is really just international-jewry. It's even obvious at this point, yet these petty faggot moderators still uphold bans, such as the one against me, from three years ago when it was OBVIOUS to any thinking man that Biden was filling his cabinet up with hostile, satanic, racist jews.
And now that Trump's executive orders are getting blocked by judges tied to jewry, they want to pretend all over again that they see no jews, hear no jews, speak no jews.
Imagine if I got to punch these faggot moderators in their faces and then, instead of blaming Vlad the impaler, they just blamed their imaginary faceless nameless globalists? LOL There'd be no consequences for the villain actually punching them in their faces.