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posted 1 month ago by bakahed on (+0 / -0 / +50Score on mirror )
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ValuesLiberty on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
I think Kanye is one of those nigger israelites or something. His views may be partially genuine
Vlad_The_Impaler on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
There is the 5% nation of islam, and perhaps even Farrakhan's broader black nation of islam, that believes that blacks are the lost tribe of Israel or the real tribe of jews and that God stripped them of their knowledge as a punishment but now 5% are trying to win back the 85% from the wicked 10%. It all seems bogus and ridiculous to me but in the absence of a black father or any moral system or code the nation of islam fills some sort of void in a black man's life where there is no discipline or self respect.

I never thought Kanye West to be one of those, although rap music is full of these nation of islam types who partner with jew production companies or jew record distributors to promise them the sale of x million copies and a couple tours. Seems jews and niggers think they love each other despite jews dominating the slave trade. I always told black guys i was joking with that If niggers could tell the difference between a White man and a jew they'd be nazis too and that niggers should stop calling their friends "niggas" and use the hard "R" to only refer to the niggers we all don't like just like Whites are capable of identifying the degenerate ones within our own race.

"From across the seas comes Cocaine, but you never seen a black man fly a plane" - Spice-One haha true they get nervous being around boats too. Only black fisherman i see are shore fisherman. They will cast line off a bridge but not get in a boat.
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