Do you want to kick the can down the road and let them fuck things up for our children and grandchildren? No? Then it has to be ***every last one of them***.
Even the Bobby Fischers and Brother Nathanaels of the world. The jews must go extinct. It's all of them.
109 countries can't all be wrong. Enough is enough.
*Kikery is a choice.* A very difficult choice heavily biased towards choosing evil, but it is possible to choose good. And, in my opinion, overcoming one's schizophrenic predispositions and becoming good through effort is very respectable.
Now *I'd fully support TKD if it could be done in a "calm" way,* without going down to satanic ritual murder of kike infants in front of their yenta moms with machine guns (looking at your vantablack ass, u/BlackPete). Most people here would be too lazy for that, but I want to hold a proper trial for jews - with simple questions and lie detectors (which are up to 97% accurate per question) to reduce the possibility of cheating to zero. Those who fail get the bullet with no further questions. Those who fail to display kike behavior and have significant White admixture (for those that don't, idk, haven't planned it out yet) get to live out the rest of their lives like normal (except those that worked in government would have to quit) UNDER THE CONDITION that they don't biologically reproduce. Hell, I'm sure most good kikes upon learning about the evils committed by their kin would probably not want to reproduce anyway.
Is that a deal you would accept for the "rare kikes" out here, or are you just a mentally brown murderer hiding behind the guise of National Socialism to slaughter people without any semblance of justice?
# I'm not going to brutally murder people for things they have absolutely no control over. A man doesn't get to choose if he's born a pure Nordic Aryan in a Swedish off-grid community, a kalergi mulatto in commiefornia or a half-kike in Jew York. I very much respect the few jews who break the satanic spell and become respectable people. Otherwise you'd just be telling them "Um, no, you are actually LE BAD, because I said so, OKAY???" citing crimes that they had not personally committed or, even more retarded, trying to charge them with precrimes that haven't even happened yet.
1 month ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)Edited 2025-02-11 21:59:13
*Where was the justice in the Holodomor? Where was the justice in the civil war the jews caused in Germany in 1918? Where was the justice in the Dresden bombings? Where was the justice at the Nuremberg trials? Where was the justice when the jewish secret police tortured, murdered and raped Whites in the early 1900s? Where was the justice in the U.S.S. Liberty Incident? Where was the justice in all of the jewish ritual murder and torture of White children the past thousands of years?*
They only fucked over 109 countries historically, for a grand total of 1,035+ times, but sure, the 1,036th time will be the fucking charm!
>or are you just a mentally brown murderer
**FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SOPHISTRY AND COWARDICE.** No one here is falling for it, dipshit.
> get to live out the rest of their lives like normal
Thanks for admitting you support White genocide then.
Even the Bobby Fischers and Brother Nathanaels of the world. The jews must go extinct. It's all of them.
109 countries can't all be wrong. Enough is enough.
Now *I'd fully support TKD if it could be done in a "calm" way,* without going down to satanic ritual murder of kike infants in front of their yenta moms with machine guns (looking at your vantablack ass, u/BlackPete). Most people here would be too lazy for that, but I want to hold a proper trial for jews - with simple questions and lie detectors (which are up to 97% accurate per question) to reduce the possibility of cheating to zero. Those who fail get the bullet with no further questions. Those who fail to display kike behavior and have significant White admixture (for those that don't, idk, haven't planned it out yet) get to live out the rest of their lives like normal (except those that worked in government would have to quit) UNDER THE CONDITION that they don't biologically reproduce. Hell, I'm sure most good kikes upon learning about the evils committed by their kin would probably not want to reproduce anyway.
Is that a deal you would accept for the "rare kikes" out here, or are you just a mentally brown murderer hiding behind the guise of National Socialism to slaughter people without any semblance of justice?
# I'm not going to brutally murder people for things they have absolutely no control over. A man doesn't get to choose if he's born a pure Nordic Aryan in a Swedish off-grid community, a kalergi mulatto in commiefornia or a half-kike in Jew York. I very much respect the few jews who break the satanic spell and become respectable people. Otherwise you'd just be telling them "Um, no, you are actually LE BAD, because I said so, OKAY???" citing crimes that they had not personally committed or, even more retarded, trying to charge them with precrimes that haven't even happened yet.
They only fucked over 109 countries historically, for a grand total of 1,035+ times, but sure, the 1,036th time will be the fucking charm!
>or are you just a mentally brown murderer
**FUCK OFF WITH YOUR SOPHISTRY AND COWARDICE.** No one here is falling for it, dipshit.
> get to live out the rest of their lives like normal
Thanks for admitting you support White genocide then.
>I'm sure most good kikes
**There's no "good kikes".**
Kill yourself, sophist.