1 month ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
It's still gay for the rapee. The way it works for mudslimes is that it's only gay to take it up the ass. So if a man ass rapes another man, the man being raped is gay, and the rapist isn't. This is how they go around raping as many little boys as they want while pretending to not be gay.
Prisons are fine it’s just retarded faggots who seethe about it. Some people simply do not deserve rights plus the idea of “human rights” are made to protect the scum of the earth not good and moral people and this has been shown time and time again.
Giving prisoners like this nice rooms with a tv and video games and whatever book of their choosing is not a good idea “but muh lower crime rate” yes because those people who got arrested are white in European countries where they are mainly white.
We use to have a decent system but our arrogance on how soooo advanced we are that we have to abandon all of it and listen to people who don’t even know what bathroom to use.
Sometimes two wrongs make a right.