>you’re a jew because you posted truth that I can’t refute
>you’re a jew because truth hurts my feelings
>you’re a jew because I have no argument against what you said
>you’re a jew because I have no refutation for what you said
>you’re a jew because I don’t like what you said
>you’re a jew because everything you said is against jews
>you’re a jew because you want every jew on Earth exterminated
>you’re a jew because you say things jews are forbidden from saying
>you’re a jew because I am too weak and cowardly to accept reality
***[Thanks](https://archive.ph/mGMYK) for [proving](https://archive.ph/CDrdv) me [right](https://communities.win/p/12jwR1U8sy/x/c/4JDEiBf2t9C) every [waking](https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/12kFL9Spq2/x/c/4JDFxErosbZ) moment of [your](https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/13zztEZzuB/on-nonviolent-noncooperation/c) life.***
>you’re a jew because I can’t read your posts
>you’re a jew because you posted truth that I can’t refute
>you’re a jew because truth hurts my feelings
>you’re a jew because I have no argument against what you said
>you’re a jew because I have no refutation for what you said
>you’re a jew because I don’t like what you said
>you’re a jew because everything you said is against jews
>you’re a jew because you want every jew on Earth exterminated
>you’re a jew because you say things jews are forbidden from saying
>you’re a jew because I am too weak and cowardly to accept reality
***[Thanks](https://archive.ph/mGMYK) for [proving](https://archive.ph/CDrdv) me [right](https://communities.win/p/12jwR1U8sy/x/c/4JDEiBf2t9C) every [waking](https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/12kFL9Spq2/x/c/4JDFxErosbZ) moment of [your](https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/13zztEZzuB/on-nonviolent-noncooperation/c) life.***